sd card not recognised


Aug 9, 2012

I bought a flytouch superpad recently which claimed to have 8Gb internal memory. In settings it shows 4Gb but whatver, I wanted more so i purchased a 32Gb micro SD card. The card works fine in my phone and pc, but in my tablet nothing is recognised. I don't have the option to mount it unless i use a usb card reader. I know the card size is max 32Gb but is that cumulative or what? like my intertnal 4Gb one is preventing me from using the 32Gb card?

Should i just replace the internal card?

I tried a 4Gb card from a friend and it worked no problem.

Help please?

Did you try to reset the tablet with the card in it or without? try both or reboot it also, you have one of those problems that drive you
nuts lol .
good luck
what do you mean reset? turn off then on?

I tried restarting with the card in and out. I formatted the card on my pc then tried formatting again from the tablet using the usb adapter. nothing.
Dont mean to be insulting but... are you making sure you format it FAT32?
Just askin' :p