SD Card Usage

I copied mp3s and videos to my SD card in the 7012. It looks like when it does the media scanning it found the videos. MX Video Player was able to see the videos and play them. However the built in music app and winamp could not see the MP3s. How can I browse to the sd card? How can I pick a video or mp3 to play? Or how do I get it to scan the mp3s?

Standard Music app works here (MID1024, Gingerbread). You may want to install another app like Play by Yahoo (be aware that it installs a background service that scans storage for new media). Other than this, any fila manager like ES File Explorer should allow you to browser all your cards contents.
"Other than this, any fila manager like ES File Explorer should allow you to browser all your cards contents. "

I cannot figure out how to browse to the actual SD card in ES File Explorer. The NAND is mounted as /sdcard/.

The exact folder varies with the model... In MID1024 it's:
internal SD: /sdcard or /mnt/sdcard
external SD: /extsd or /mnt/extsd

in MID7022, the external SD goes in /sdcard/tflash as far as I remember. Not sure about your model, but you should be able to find the card browsing the file system. To make it easier, you can put it on your computer first and create a folder or a file with a known name then look for it.
The 7012 mounts as /sdcard/tflash.

As far as music, the default player found all of mine. The only difference is I ripped all my stuff to 96k WMA files.

There are quite a few options when ripping to MP3. Maybe try a different encoding scheme.

Also your files may be ripped at too high of a rate than the players can understand.

The defacto standards for MP3 ripping is either 128k, or more currently 192k.
I rebooted a few times and it found all my music. Now the only problem is the music app crashed when I start a song.

Will have to try winamp.
Also try blowing out the slot and the card before insertion. My kid taught me that.

Also, it takes a LONG time to scan the card.
It has to complete the scan before it sees all the music. It does a complete scan everytime you reboot it.

I just start mine and go off and do somethine else. When I come back, its done.