Setting up visualy impaired display issues.


Nov 9, 2012
I an visualy handicapped not like I am totally blind or anything but I have had cataract surgery and have lots of trouble seeing things with a white background and black text. I have my windows 7 (man they made it so much harder in windows 7 home premium to change system colors than in xp but that is not an Android issue.) The start screen is fine but on the browser about the only option I see is to reverse option which makes black white and white black. That helps but I would like to be able to change default colors like internet explorer allows. There I have set up a dark blue background, light blue text, yellow visited, green unvisited for example. Does any one know of a browser download that will allow that? Any info at all on ways to modify the display colors on my Ice Cream Sandwich Android tablet would be appreciated. The printed manual with the tablet is small and the type is so small I can barely see it. i plan to scan it and enlarge it but that is for another day.
I have tried quite a few browsers but haven't seen one with nearly that much control over appearance. Wish I could help.
SHUCKY DARN! I was hoping for ten people to give me multiple ways to do it. I guess I'm just going to have to tell Google to include that feature in their next update. I mean they must have handicapped associates working with them, right. I used to think mICROsOFT did but they must have laid them off after XP was out the door as I find winders seven to be a mega step backwards in that direction.

Of course it might just be my Double Power tablet does not have that feature.

On my windows 7 computer only ie gives me fairly good color change options. I still have to be careful as anything with a black background can hide black text.

Thanks for the info leeshor, appreciate your time.