Should I get a Xyboard 10.1 or wait for whats coming next?


Apr 5, 2011
Is Motorola gonna be releasing a new tablet soon?

I am looking into getting a Xyboard 10.1, but am slightly reluctant since its been out for a while and am assuming Motorola will release something new relatively soon.
Now that you mention it that seems odd, what with Google owning Motorola. I have to think they would release a Motorola Nexus tablet and phone.

That really is odd. No longer a big Moto fan but if that's what you would like to stay with, being that it's likely past time for an update I would wait. The Xyboard is getting a little long in the tooth. (note that I rarely suggest waiting for computing purchases so this is a big deal for me;))
I just read an article on this. According to the earnings call with Motorola today they said that the development cycle for products is 12-18 months for this market. Google has owned them almost 6 months so there are products in the pipeline from prior to the acquisition. That means that we won't see Gogorloa products ship until closer to 4Q of 2013.

As for the OP's question, I say get something else from another manufacturer unless you have your heart set on Motorola and the Xyboard. In that case buy it now because you probably aren't going to see Google influenced devices from Motorola for a year or so.
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I forgot to mention it needs to be verizon 4g/3g, so my options are relatively limited.

Since that the only place I've seen them I kinda thought so. Based on what JP just said you might as well go for it.