sims freeplay error 5002


Jul 28, 2012
Hi all,
I was using KK's CM7 build for the teclast P76ti and I recently decided to flash the official ICS release. All works fine, but I cannot get sims freeplay to work, because of server error 5002. It used to work fine on CM7. so what's changed? is it an ICS issue in general? any idea how to fix it?
Hi all,
I was using KK's CM7 build for the teclast P76ti and I recently decided to flash the official ICS release. All works fine, but I cannot get sims freeplay to work, because of server error 5002. It used to work fine on CM7. so what's changed? is it an ICS issue in general? any idea how to fix it?

it seem to be due to the screen resolution. teclast gb rom(including my cm7) run on 160dpi. official 4.0 rom run on 120dpi.
Thanks for your reply!!!
I thought that may be the case. Does it mean that if I modify build.prop there's a chance it may work? Would I break anything by doing so?
Thanks for your reply!!!
I thought that may be the case. Does it mean that if I modify build.prop there's a chance it may work? Would I break anything by doing so?

it should base on EA official reply(see previous link) but changing it to 160dpi will turn it to Phone UI. Perhaps when i release my CM9, you can use it since its run Tablet UI on 160dpi
Indeed I had already done it and that's exactly what happened. Can't wait for your CM9. Quality!!!!!
Thanks again
In order to get the right textures data (for ARDENO / MALI.. etc gpu )EA games sends a bunch of parameters to the server.

This example is for a samsung i9100 that has a MALI400 GPU like the chinese tablets:
POST { glext: 'blah blah' }
(this is a post request not get)

Method of faking device:
- The brand and model can be faked using build.prop. (root req)
- The resolution also can be faked by adding
downloadcontent/overrides.xml in apk. this involves unpacking/repacking singing the apk
- Using a http proxy (charles debugging proxy) and rewriting the url string. (this is usefull also to see what the games is requesting)

The problem seems that they get the display resolution from:

DisplayMetrics gives height resolution minus the statusbar height so for example my tablet was requesting (800x444)

This solution was tested on a pipo s1 4.1 tablet... But i think it works with any a13 tablet.
also the game will crash if status bar is visible i used
to hide it.

The game works now

format of overrides.xml:

The Device Overrides file is used to specify device-specific resolution overrides. This file is optional, and is intended to be
used by game teams only.

Structure is as follows:

<device name="DeviceName1">
<resolution width="123" height="456"/>
<device name="DeviceName2">
<resolution width="789" height="012"/>

<forceDevice name="Droid"/>
<resolution width="480" height="320"/>

In the "devices" element add or remove devices as needed for your game. The device name needs to be the same returned by android.os.Build.MODEL (Android SDK). The example below is an override for SonyEricsson Xperia (X10i):

<device name="X10i">
<resolution width="480" height="320"/>

Note, the device name is case-sensitive and matches the whole name only. In other words, "x10i" or "SonyEricsson X10i" will not match "X10i" (the correct device name)

In addition, a single 'fallback' device may be specified. A fallback device is one that is used if the ADC is unable to download
the current device's assets (after overrides have been applied). At minimal the fallback resolution must be present. The ADC will use
the current device with the fallback resolution and attempt the download again. If the 'forceDevice' element is provided as well,
the ADC will download assets for *that* device assets at the specified resolution.

For example, specifying the following fallback:

<forceDevice name="motorola-DROIDX"/>
<resolution width="480" height="320"/>

will force the ADC to attempt download assets for a motorola-DROIDX at 480x320, if was unable to find appropriate assets for the current device
and resolution.
Last edited:
In order to get the right textures data (for ARDENO / MALI.. etc gpu )EA games sends a bunch of parameters to the server.

This example is for a samsung i9100 that has a MALI400 GPU like the chinese tablets:
POST { glext: 'blah blah' }
(this is a post request not get)

Method of faking device:
- The brand and model can be faked using build.prop. (root req)
- The resolution also can be faked by adding
downloadcontent/overrides.xml in apk. this involves unpacking/repacking singing the apk
- Using a http proxy (charles debugging proxy) and rewriting the url string. (this is usefull also to see what the games is requesting)

The problem seems that they get the display resolution from:

DisplayMetrics gives height resolution minus the statusbar height so for example my tablet was requesting (800x444)

This solution was tested on a pipo s1 4.1 tablet... But i think it works with any a13 tablet.
also the game will crash if status bar is visible i used
Hide Bar
to hide it.

The game works now

format of overrides.xml:

The Device Overrides file is used to specify device-specific resolution overrides. This file is optional, and is intended to be
used by game teams only.

Structure is as follows:

<device name="DeviceName1">
<resolution width="123" height="456"/>
<device name="DeviceName2">
<resolution width="789" height="012"/>

<forceDevice name="Droid"/>
<resolution width="480" height="320"/>

In the "devices" element add or remove devices as needed for your game. The device name needs to be the same returned by android.os.Build.MODEL (Android SDK). The example below is an override for SonyEricsson Xperia (X10i):

<device name="X10i">
<resolution width="480" height="320"/>

Note, the device name is case-sensitive and matches the whole name only. In other words, "x10i" or "SonyEricsson X10i" will not match "X10i" (the correct device name)

In addition, a single 'fallback' device may be specified. A fallback device is one that is used if the ADC is unable to download
the current device's assets (after overrides have been applied). At minimal the fallback resolution must be present. The ADC will use
the current device with the fallback resolution and attempt the download again. If the 'forceDevice' element is provided as well,
the ADC will download assets for *that* device assets at the specified resolution.

For example, specifying the following fallback:

<forceDevice name="motorola-DROIDX"/>
<resolution width="480" height="320"/>

will force the ADC to attempt download assets for a motorola-DROIDX at 480x320, if was unable to find appropriate assets for the current device
and resolution.

I need some help with this I also have a pipo s1. I'm not sure what u did but mines not working