Skyfire not installing on Velocity Micro Cruz reader


Nov 27, 2010
I looked on AppMarket and Slide and didn't find Skyfire there.
So i installed it on my Vibrant to pull the apk and adb install did not work.


So for kicks i tried signing it with the test key, which got me here:


Skyfire3 says it supports 2.0 (which the Cruz has), 2.1 and 2.2
The older Skyfire for Android 1.x fails too.

I tried downloading it to the device, to browse to it with Astro, and pick install from there, which fails.

Any suggestion what i'm missing to get this install on my wife's tablet?



P.S. it's neat going 'adb shell' and being greeted by a root shell (#)
I used it to push SuperUser.apk and su for later, as this won't help me with skyfire for now.
Hope whatever faster tablet i will pick up has the same = 0 as my wife's Cruz
I dont know exactly what the problem is but from what you wrote it sounds like you have tried skyfire 3.0 and 2.3 my suggestion is try even an older version Skyfire Apk - Download skyfire 2.0 that might work
This may sound like a stupid question but is not. Where did you d/load Skyfire? I had a friend who downloaded it from a side source and not Market. That version would not work. Once they got market working, that d/load installed and worked. No idea what was the difference other than someone playing with the install.