Sleep Mode Problem?


Jul 22, 2011
Our new tablet was just updated with 3.1 . We are having weird issues while in sleep mode. Once we push the power button to enter sleep mode , we are able to push it again to wake it up BUT ONLY if we do it within 2 minutes or so. If we wait longer, it will not wake and we have to completly restart the tablet by holding the power button for 5-10 seconds. We do not know if it was doing this prior to the update because it was updated the same day we bought it. Is anyone else having this issue? We did try a factory reset but, no help. This happens no matter if we set sleep to 15 secs up to 30 minutes. Always the same result. We love the ACER but, it will have to go back if we can't stop this from happening. Thanks for any help or suggestions
Not seeing this.
But I di know that my tablet takes 4 seconds to wake up sinxe 3.1 where it used to be almost instant.

What is your Wifi discount policy set to?
And also post the exact version of Android you are running now.
Are you sure you have to reboot it.
What if you single tap the wake up button and just wait?
Tried mutiple times waiting anywhere from a few seconds to over a minute. Still had to reboot each time. We contacted Acer support and they sent us the wi-fi patch saying that should fix it? We will try it and see.
Wow, maybe the famed Toshiba sleep of death issue is an Android 3.1 issue, not just a Toshiba issue.

Sent from my AT100 using Android Tablet Forum
I have the Acer A500 and stumbled upon this forum because I have been experiencing the identical problem.
I am going to disable the Wifi Sleep and see if that makes any difference.

OK... I set my Wifi Policy to: Never

It takes a few seconds to wake up... but it is working! :)
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I have the Acer A500 and stumbled upon this forum because I have been experiencing the identical problem.
I am going to disable the Wifi Sleep and see if that makes any difference.

Still, count to nine after tapping the wait button. 1001 1002 1003 1004 ...

Since 3.1 it takes it a while to wake it from deep power saving mode.
I have the same issue on mine. I've waited and waited for it to wake after a single press of the power button... certainly longer than it take to just reboot it.

What is this wifi patch you speak of? Did it help?

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
Follow-up on this thread:

I find turning Bluetooth ON renders wake up back to about 2 seconds, same as it was in 3.0.1.
I don't even need anything paired with the bluetooth. It just needs to be on.

I have an extra bluetooth mouse that I was using on the tablet. (Not USB with a dongle, just a regular bluetooth mouse). I found that when the mouse was connected via bluetooth wake up was very fast. Then I switched the mouse OFF, but left bluetooth radio on in Settings, and wake up was still fast.

Yes, it uses a tad more power, but who cares. My time is worth something. :cool:
I've noticed similar problem as well, even though it doesn't bother me too much. I just got my a500 a couple days ago, and immediately updated to 3.1, so I don't know what it did before, but what it seems like is that if it sleeps too long, it will automatically power completely down. I also know that I had it on the charger last night, and let it fall asleep , and when I grabbed it this morning, it was still in sleep mode. My guess is because it was plugged in.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum