Smaller Home Screen Icons?


Senior Member
Feb 17, 2012
On the Le Pan II, does anyone know if it's possible to make the Icons, Widgets, etc. on the Home Screen smaller? Thanks very much.
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Grab a third party launcher like Apex Launcher or Nova from the Play Store or another App Store. These aftermarket launchers allow you to customize the home screens.
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Grab a third party launcher like Apex Launcher or Nova from the Play Store or another App Store. These aftermarket launchers allow you to customize the home screens.

Thanks so much for getting back with me about this, Frederuco. Actually, the reason I was asking really wasn't for Home Screen Icons per se, although I WOULD like them a bit smaller. The issue is that I play Word Trick on my PC & my tablet and a couple weeks ago something happened w/the game as I have it on my tablet to where EVERYTHING is larger than was before. I've tried to manually make it smaller and, as I normally play it in Portrait mode, tried turning it to Landscape but it won't switch over. I've tried Uninstalling & Reinstalling it, rebooting the tablet, etc. with no luck. The real issue with it is that I can only see the very top rim of the 9 letter tiles on the bottom row I have to work with and although I CAN pull them up on the board, there's no Play or Recall, etc. buttons to apply my words with. That's really the reason I wanted to see if there was any way to reduce the size of icons, etc. on the tablet but now that I'm thinking, it probably wouldn't work to decrease the size of the game board anyway. I WILL go to the Play Store and download those 2 apps you suggested in any case and give them a try. I really appreciate you listing them as 3 people on another Le Pan forum said there was NO way to make Icons, etc. on the Home Screen smaller, so we'll have to try it and see. Thanks again for your help. :D