So long A500!!!


Apr 30, 2011

Well, I have owned the A500 for about 4 years starting when Android tablets first came out. And while it still works pretty well, I got bit by the dreaded "Update Desire!" The A500 is only a dual core, not that light in weght and the screen while good for its time is only fair compared to today's tablets. I took the A500 with me to France and England and also on some travels in the US and it never failed to connect to the available Wi Fi. So I must admit that it fulfilled its mission with flying colors!!!

I decided to get a Sammy Galaxy Tab Pro 10.1! It actually has two sets of quad processors - one set fast and high power and the other set slower but lower power. The screen is very good and the thing is VERY light weight and thin. Supposedly as light as or lighter than the Apple Air Tab (or whatever they call it!). And most importantly it comes with the latest and greatest Android version - 4.4, also know as Kit Kat!

This forum has been INVALUABLE to me as I posted many a question and always got some meaningful help. If I could help another I would also post an answer. Since the GTP 10.1 is new the section here is not too full but I suspect that as time goes it will have more and more info.

So I bid farewell to the A500 section of the forum and wish everyone good luck with their respective tablets!!!!!

Yup, my wife is getting update desire as well, and for her birthday, I'll probably look into that Galaxy Pro 10 as well. The 500 still works, but it is pretty slow.

Sent from my A700 using Tapatalk
Yup, my wife is getting update desire as well, and for her birthday, I'll probably look into that Galaxy Pro 10 as well. The 500 still works, but it is pretty slow.

Sent from my A700 using Tapatalk

Hi Icebike,

Yeah my A500 still works and nothing had failed but compared to the Sammy it is quite cumbersome - too heavy, too slow, old version of Android, etc. So far I am very pleased with it. Its not perfect but quite close! Also the newer version of Android (currently 4.4 - Kit Kat) is MUCH smoother and with many more features than the final update that the A500 got, which I believe was an early version of Ice Cream Sandwich. If you get the Galaxy Pro Tab 10.1 I'm sure you will like it.

I still use my A500 even though I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1. The A500 still has features that I use quite frequently that the samsung doesn’t have. I tend to move between both forums.
I still use my A500 even though I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1. The A500 still has features that I use quite frequently that the samsung doesn’t have. I tend to move between both forums.

Hi Douvie,

Like what? The only thing I can think of is the full sized USB port. I don't know why most tablets don't have a full sized USB port as they are really not that large anyway. Of course the Micro-USB is even smaller! And all you need is a $5 or less dongle to plug full sized USB things into the Micro-USB port.

Is there anything else that he A500 can do that the Sammy can't?
