[SOLVED] CAN Download Files, Now ...


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2010
O.K., I appreciate the help I got to understand how to download data, and I'm not talking about apps. Data automagically goes to an external SD card and only an external SD card. So, I guess the user has no way to move such files onto the main storage (i.e., emmc or data). If that's true, it's disappointing to waste all that space. But so be it.

So my question is this: is there no way to move data files (i.e., .PDF, .DOC, .PNG, and so forth) onto the main storage? Or is that just the way that Android is designed?

So actually that's two questions.
An external Micro SD Card (MSD) AKA TF Card is and always was intended as the space to store your media files. Books, pictures, videos, movies, music files etc. are what you should be putting there. The main storage should be reserved for programs (Apps).