[SOLVED] Removing Chinese Language on Asus Keyboard?


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2013
Is there any way to remove or at least disable the Chinese (I think) language from the Asus keyboard input? I have hit the key switch languages one too many times, and now that I got a keyboard dock, I find that there are times that it switches on its own. I don't even see a key to switch back and forth on the physical keyboard.

Any ideas?
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Go to the language settings (Settings - Language and input) and remove the Asus Chinese from the options.

When you are typing in a text box there should be a small keyboard icon by the clock. Tap this for a list of keyboards you have enabled.
Thanks, Frederuco. I wish it were that simple! In the language and input, there are several keyboard methods available. In order to use the keyboard dock, I'm supposed to use the Asus keyboard method. In that keyboard settings, there are many languages available. I only have English (US) selected. I even deselected "Use system language...which also would be US English" and manually selected English from the list below that. I don't see a way to remove a language. From the look of the on-screen keyboard (when the keyboard dock is removed) it looks to me as if the Chinese language is hard-wired into the input. Beside the space bar, there is a key that has characters in what looks like Chinese. When you press it, all the characters change to Chinese and "ABC" shows up on the key. So, it is how you change language inputs. Problem is, when you have the keyboard dock attached, I don't see a method to switch...so when it changes to Chinese, I can't change it back!!

I'll attach a screen shot of the on-screen keyboard.



With the keyboard attached, when in a text box tap the keyboard icon by the clock:

Yup, I already have done that. Asus US keyboard is selected there, too. I've googled and read a couple (literally like two) similar cases. I'm wondering if I should try a factory reset? I've done it on my phones before, and I'm thinking something HAS to be off if I can find so little on the web about it!
Also, did my screenshots not stay? They were there yesterday, but I only see gray boxes today.
Your screenshots are still there for me

I went back and looked, the first one of the keyboard - that is not Chinese, but Korean.

Not sure why it is showing that in Korean. Check your active input languages for the Asus keyboard just to be sure Korean is not ticked.
Ahh well. I assumed wrong, lol. I googled Chinese characters since ASUS was founded in Taiwan. It looked close. Either way, thanks for the help. I don't think there was a logical explanation as to why they were there. ONLY U.S was selected, but doing the good old factory reset did the trick. I haven't seen them since.