Sony Table S car charger?


Jan 17, 2012
Have any of you guys and girls ever found a Sony Tablet S car charger? I emailed Sony today to ask if and when one will be available, seeing that the device is "mobile". Inverter suck; big, bulky, and the multi-larger versions are noisy (like a baby generator). With all the other Tablets on the market how can a company as large as Sony drop the ball on this? A connector that no one else has, then don't release a charger?
Did you try on e bay? There is probably some Chinese company who thought of making a mini adaptor for your Sony.
I have never needed to charge the tablet in the car, but couldn't you get an adapter to convert the mini-usb to a regular usb and the use any car charger that has a usb port? I have an adapter for an external battery. :)
I would think you could just use one of those power converters that just gives you the ability to plug you home charger in, and just ends in a three prong plug. I have seen them around fairly cheap. Not as complete as a car charger that you can just toss in your glove box but if you could pick up another home charger for you tablet you wouldn't have to lug it around.

Sent from my Sony Tablet P using Android Tablet