Sony Tablet S Touchscreen buggy


Jun 22, 2012
I'm through with this piece of junk, the touchscreen is giving me nothing but trouble. There is some strange things going on here. For example, I'd be filling a comment box when all of a sudden the page reloads and the stupid tablet has sent the message! Not only that, if I am typing a message it occasionally adds a full stop and a space to whatever I am typing! And sometimes scrolling activates links or opens apps. This thing is giving me grief. I am going for an iPad. Because Apple products friggin' work!
And furthermore, how does the contents of my comment somehow end up in the google text box when I open the google page?
I've seen similar things. Have you tried the Dolphin browser? It's way better than the default browser.
Agreed, and I use Opera Mobile almost exclusively and it turned the real problem was with the stock browser.

Sent from my Sony Tablet P using Android Tablet