Sound trouble A500

Try examining the headphone jack hole. The leaf spring switch could be deformed.
well my headphones dont work anymore, and they were fine just 20 miutes before. so i guess my case of no sound is vise versa to yours.
hi hey ammmm that means that by piking them with what ever you put inside broke it see my reply down below or answer whatever hehe ive been fixing this same problem like three days ago and i found the solution try it out
stop wasting time on the reset hole or restart or hardware updates or what ever this is the solution turn all the volume down on your tablet and then back up all the way and hold it for three seconds and will unmute if not go to settings sound the audio then advance settings and unmute if you dont have those options download clean master install and it will give a option to install shortcuts to your tool bar where the clock is accept install wen done you will see a litle brunsh next to the clock on your right down corner that means your half way there just click on the clock and it will pop up a black litle windo in the same area with some options like clean games apps just click where it says more and a blue screen will pup up and you will see an icon such as a speaker click on that one and pufffff all done you unmuted you can change it to vibrate mute unmute sound and leave it on the sound profile that you want that worked for me since my volume keys on my tab broke lol if you have any questions ask me and rate me thanks