Speaking device - Text to Speach Help Needed


Dec 1, 2011
Hi All,
I bought the Tablet as i have Motor Neuron Disease and slowly lost my voice muscles, thank goodness it has allowed me to write or text write or text speak and has allowed me to communicate with anyone.

One thing I want to do is be able to 'talk' on the phone to people who know I am using my text to speech but it appears that when you switch from the phone app to text to speak app the microphone is turned off so callers cant hear the TTS (text to speech).

Does anyone have any idea how to change this?


Hi Arthur, congratulations on your new tablet and welcome to the forum. I'm glad you decided to join us as a member of Android Tablets. Sorry to hear you're having problems and I'm moving your thread to the Android Tablet Q&A section to see if anyone on the forum can help you out. My suggestion would be to contact the developer of the phone app and or the TTS app and see if they can help, but someone else may have a better solution. Good luck!
i believe that changing your default TTS Engine to SVOX may resolve this. I know that my recognition software continues to run even when on the phone.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
Hi Arthur, as Spider suggested you will probably need to contact the developer of the TTS app and or the developer of the call app (Skype for example) or try and find an app (https://market.android.com/details?...=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5zdm94LmNsYXNzaWMiXQ..)with your specific requirements bundled into one. Unfortunately there is not a specific Android control (that I am aware of at least) which will enable the mic in the way you would like to use it.
Thanks for feedback and support will contact TTS App and especially Call App, will also try SVOX , will let you know, Cheers