Sticky on different custom ROMS...


Nov 6, 2011
Hey, developers! You're doing a great job!
But how bout somebody knowledgeable beginning a new sticky on the various custom ROM's floating around, what their benefits are compared to the stock ROM, and what you might NOT have with each one? Maybe each author could submit a short rundown on his/her product as a new post under the same thread.
Even if you're not an "author" and you're just somebody using a particular setup, you might contribute your experiences, good and bad, and share the tricks you've learned. You could make suggestions under that thread for improvement, so that it's all in one place.
It's turning into a circus for me trying to find out about and keep up with all the improvements and such so that I can make an informed decision on which to try. Not to mention all the time spent in the research.
I picture a table of some kind listing all the plusses and minuses. Hey, if I could do it...I would.
Thanks for all you do, everyone. I know you love the Coby's or you wouldn't be here. Share the love! ;)
Oh, btw...if a thread like this already exists, forget everything I just said except for the happy flower sunshine praise I gave you! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! And please lead me to that thread!
Okay...officially stumped...I've been all through this tree and never noticed the thread on official custom roms below here. Like I said, forget everything I said lol.