Stock ROM Coby MID9042-8


Jul 3, 2012
I accidentally rooted my coby mid9042-8 with a coby mid9742.img file. I used livesuite 1.0.7. After rooting my screen started behaving wierdly and started flashing lines and random stuff. The device won't start, tried system recovery and the reset button at the corner nothing works. I was wondering if re-rooting the device to stock ROM of mid9042 will work again??? Like an idiot i didnt make a back-up.

Please help because i tried searching for the stock ROM didn't find anything. Please Help..........
Coby generally does not release stock ROM images, thus you're screwed in that regard. You would have helped your own cause if you had made a dump of the stock ROM from your device before tinkering with it. Since you didn't, your only option is to find a 9042 custom ROM out there and flash it over the 9742 ROM you put in, and hope that the drivers are correct.
That was the biggest mistake, that I didn't create a dump. I am searching for the custom ROM for MID9042 everywhere. I can't find it anywhere. If anyone could upload a ROM for MID9042 I can work my things after that.
searched everywhere. Stock ROM for 7042,1042,8042,9742 are easily available on internet and can be downloaded. but I can't find stock ROM for mid9042...any luck so far guys???
I think the file which I am looking for should look something like this "coby_9042_4.0.3.img" . If anyone has found it then can you please upload it here... Will really appreciate it. thanks
9042 Display Resolution 1280x800

9742 Display Resolution 1024 x 768

No way one could make either of these to work on the other.

anyway does it accept adb commands? does it boot?
nope it does not accept adb commands.. But with lifesuite i can re-flash it with coby_9042_4.0.3.img file...I think once I get the file I can get my device working again.
nope it does not accept adb commands.. But with lifesuite i can re-flash it with coby_9042_4.0.3.img file...I think once I get the file I can get my device working again.

I am sure you can, but one major problem coby_9042_4.0.3.img doesn't exist, the livesuite images are made by devs and users here, based off of system dumps, no one has ever submitted a dump from coby 9042, so no livesuite image exists for coby 9042.
I tried that method also by installing the adb drivers and then connecting my device to the PC. but I always get the same message when I press root.bat or dump.bat is "Waiting for device". And that is what I want that someone who has a 9042 dump can post it here then devs can make a livesuite image out of it...
Contact the place you purchased the unit from and ask them to exchange it for a new one. Based on the pictures it would look like the screen was defective, even though we know it was user error. That's about the only way you're going to get this resolved since no one has come forth with a 9042 dump to create an image file from.
I am keeping that as the last option. I found a user named bdub72 who had posted around 2-3 weeks back on this forum regarding his device(mid9042) having wifi issue. I have sent him a message requesting him to provide me the dump firmware of his device. I hope that I get that firmware dump.
so whats the update of your problem now? i think there is a sticky posted here under generation 3 for dump roms of your 9042.. can i ask help also how u start ur process on how to root ur device.. we have same device too.. tnx..
hello i am unaware as to when this was posted, but i have the same device rooted and is fully working. let me know if you still need those files, and how to get them.
The files are always useful. As to how to get them, read the sticky post I link in my signature.