Strange Behaviour in Ematic Tablet


Senior Member
Oct 21, 2013
I have an Ematic EGP008 tablet running Android 4.1.1
When I click on a link in an email or from a web site I get this ridiculous looking message:
Phone Number

Close Add to contacts
The text "1.// rover.e" is always something different and completely meaningless The other words stay the same.

What is wrong here and how do I fix it?

Mick Berg
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Hi Mick, I'm moving your thread to the Ematic Tablets forum for you, where more people familiar with that tablet are likely to join the discussion and try to help you. Good luck!
No suggestions, anyone?

Anyone from Ematic ever look here? ha ha ha..........

Anyone from Ematic ever look here?

As of now, 326 people have looked at your thread. Apparently no one so far that can help you.:( If the "links" you're clicking on are email addresses, it seems the email program is trying to add them to your contacts list. Why don't you try another email program? There are lots of free ones available os Amazon and the Play Store.,mobile-apps,503 apps&c=apps
I just got my egp008 a few days ago. It has the same problem. I emailed Ematic, but haven' received a reply yet.

On mine, when in an email, I found that when you hit the reply or forward button, and the new page comes up, the links to the websites work. I have no problem clicking on links on websites, only in emails.

Hope this helps you, and I'll pass on any help I get from Ematic.

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I just got my egp008 a few days ago. It has the same problem. I emailed Ematic, but haven' received a reply yet.

On mine, when in an email, I found that when you hit the reply or forward button, and the new page comes up, the links to the websites work. I have no problem clicking on links on websites, only in emails.

Hope this helps you, and I'll pass on any help I get from Ematic.


Good to know someone else has the problem!

Yes, I emailed them too, and got nothing. How's the volume from your speaker? Mine is almost non-existant, but I'm not bothered, I would never use such a tiny speaker. Ematic did respond to my email about that, telling me to send it in for repair.

I was kind of "conned" into buying this tablet by the salesman at Fry's Electronics. It was more than I wanted to pay (I only use one app) and I'm not that impressed. I hope you are enjoying your tablet.

I'll try your trick with the links. And you may be correct, it might only be in emails.

EDIT:If you are looking for a case for your tablet, this is hard to beat, I paid less than 5 bucks and shipping was free.

Mick Berg.
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The speaker volume at max is almost useless. I use earphones anyway so that's not a problem for me. The hdmi works well, and the 32 gb micro card is nice. The power plug sparks when I plug it into the socket, the transformer inside the plug should protect the unit.

I got mine from The Source online, on sale for $98.00.

I bought the 7" quad core model for my wife and it works perfectly.

The 7" was a little small for my liking, so I went with this 8" model. My thought was to save some of the wear n' tear on my laptop and for some portability. Overall I'm OK with the unit. I haven't had any experience with android before, so there's some learning to do. I have to remember, it's a tablet, not a computer, there are limitations.

I'll check out the case, thanks.

I still haven't heard from Ematic. Its been 8 days. The last time I emailed them, it took 10 days before they responded.


I changed my email app as suggested above. I loaded MyMail from the play store. It works great...
Clicking on email or website links now work perfectly. There must be something out of whack between Google and Ematic compatibility.
Hope this works for you too.
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The speaker volume at max is almost useless. I use earphones anyway so that's not a problem for me. The hdmi works well, and the 32 gb micro card is nice. The power plug sparks when I plug it into the socket, the transformer inside the plug should protect the unit.

I got mine from The Source online, on sale for $98.00.

I bought the 7" quad core model for my wife and it works perfectly.

The 7" was a little small for my liking, so I went with this 8" model. My thought was to save some of the wear n' tear on my laptop and for some portability. Overall I'm OK with the unit. I haven't had any experience with android before, so there's some learning to do. I have to remember, it's a tablet, not a computer, there are limitations.

I'll check out the case, thanks.

I still haven't heard from Ematic. Its been 8 days. The last time I emailed them, it took 10 days before they responded.


I changed my email app as suggested above. I loaded MyMail from the play store. It works great...
Clicking on email or website links now work perfectly. There must be something out of whack between Google and Ematic compatibility.
Hope this works for you too.

UPDATE 4/19/14

Finally heard back from Ematic. They want me to return unit. Since I live in Canada, I have to do this through The Source where I bought it. The Source no longer carries this unit, so they are replacing with a Hip Street at a great price.
Sorry for the delay in replying. I'm not using the tablet much for mail, but I will try alternative mail readers.
UPDATE 4/19/14

Finally heard back from Ematic. They want me to return unit. Since I live in Canada, I have to do this through The Source where I bought it. The Source no longer carries this unit, so they are replacing with a Hip Street at a great price.
You're right, if you hit reply, the email links work. Since I don't do it very often this workaround is good enough for me.
Thanks for solving this problem for me!