Stuck on "Obtaining IP Address"

When the Tab is trying to Obtain the IP address do a soft reset by placing a pin into the reset hole. Do this only when it is trying to obtain the ip address. Do it three times and you should be fine.

I've tried that several times to no avail.

Basically, the only way for me to connect my Iconia to wifi for the first time (or when the tablet wakes up) is to reset my router. At that point it shows "connected" Until then it just keeps trying to "obtain IP address" Nothing else works. Not a soft reset, not forgetting and then re-connecting to network etc.

This only seems to be an issue on secured networks like at home. When I took my Iconia to work, it immediately connected on the unsecured network.
I've tried that several times to no avail.

Basically, the only way for me to connect my Iconia to wifi for the first time (or when the tablet wakes up) is to reset my router. At that point it shows "connected" Until then it just keeps trying to "obtain IP address" Nothing else works. Not a soft reset, not forgetting and then re-connecting to network etc.

This only seems to be an issue on secured networks like at home. When I took my Iconia to work, it immediately connected on the unsecured network.

Well you've pretty much proven that your home router is the problem here.
It might be an odd combination of security settings on the router that doesn't quite match the acer.

Factory reset the router and set it up for WPA2 (and ONLY WPA2).

EITHER that or get a new one. I don't put up with cranky routers. I have a junk drawer full of partially working routers.
Well you've pretty much proven that your home router is the problem here.
It might be an odd combination of security settings on the router that doesn't quite match the acer.

Factory reset the router and set it up for WPA2 (and ONLY WPA2).

EITHER that or get a new one. I don't put up with cranky routers. I have a junk drawer full of partially working routers.

Any recommendations? I currently have a Netgear WPN824NAR rangemax router
How did i know it was a netgear!
I had that same symptoms with. My rangemax. It's sitting in my closet unused now. It would lock up in the same way with my iphone, back in the day when I used iphone.

It was a hundred dollars router. I replaced it with a $25 dollar unit. It doesn't do 802.11n, but even 802.11G routers are faster than your Internet connection.
I've had problems with some older routers and DHCP not working for all devices.
None of the XBoxes my son has had over the years will pull an address from my Linksys router.

Why don't you just set a static address?
The problem will be solved.
It should keep the static profile for your network, but then be dynamic for other networks.
Glad it worked for you!

Just remember what address you used, so months from now when you have to give some other device a static address, you don't set it to the same address.
Been there, done that...:D
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It should keep the static profile for your network, but then be dynamic for other networks.
Glad it worked for you!

Just remember what address you used, so months from now when you have to give some other device a static address, you don't set it to the same address.
Been there, done that...:D

I've NEVER had to this for a device before. The Iconia is certainly full of quirks :) I've had good luck with my other acer products, including the TimelineX laptop I am on right now. No issues with it connecting to wifi. Perhaps it is an android issue after all, and not an Acer one?
The acer is not full of quirks. Your router is.

I suggest a yoy upgrade your router's firmware from the manufacturer's site.

No more than two or four people use fixed ip addresses on this forum. This is not a common problem. If it was there would be hundreds of people moaning about it.

Fix your router, or get a new one. You've proven yourself that the table works everywhere except your own router.
I've NEVER had to this for a device before. The Iconia is certainly full of quirks :) I've had good luck with my other acer products, including the TimelineX laptop I am on right now. No issues with it connecting to wifi. Perhaps it is an android issue after all, and not an Acer one?
Don't miss quote. A500 is not the problem. The quirkiness of Android in some of its operations is the issue. But I must say that ecvept for the one time issue, Android has been very stable and as a result my A500 has been faultless. The quirkiness may have to do with understanding that Android is not Windows (where so many of us make our errors) and never will be. The IP address issue is known to happen with Android phones as well. However any network can be affected by IP conflicts - I see this every day. Even with devices, like APPLE, where one is told how good and faultless they are and how they never have any problems. My response usually is: yeah right!

I've just decided to edit this post with an explanation "yeah right" which may not be understood except if you're from Australia. It is a double positive which here means a negative!
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I don't know, a good friend of mine chose the Acer about the same time I got my Transformer (to this day we each faithfully defend our tablet choice and often send each other disparaging email about their poor judgement) but one thing I've noticed is his Acer tends to be a little "picky" I guess you'd call it, sometimes having connection problems that my Transformer just can't replicate. We still haven't figured out why this happens, he says it is worth a little quirck here and there to own a superior tablet, which reminds me it is about time for me to send another email to him in the hope of one day putting him one the right path.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
So im guessing you haven't been over to the transformer forum where there are people reporting this very same problem then?
I don't know, a good friend of mine chose the Acer about the same time I got my Transformer (to this day we each faithfully defend our tablet choice and often send each other disparaging email about their poor judgement) but one thing I've noticed is his Acer tends to be a little "picky" I guess you'd call it, sometimes having connection problems that my Transformer just can't replicate. We still haven't figured out why this happens, he says it is worth a little quirck here and there to own a superior tablet, which reminds me it is about time for me to send another email to him in the hope of one day putting him one the right path

Really!!! So why don't you visit the transformer forums and find out? It might tell you something you didn't know.

All tablets are having similar, if not the same, issues. I suppose a little bit of banter between friends is good. Just for your information, PC USER magazine has rated the A500 at 85% which is the same and on par with iPad2. Transformer came in at 80%. I just checked this yesterday while at the News Agent where I picked up the mag briefly for a parousal.

Actually I know the Transformer came in at less than 85% - I'm sure it was 80% but I'll check again.
Really!!! So why don't you visit the transformer forums and find out? It might tell you something you didn't know.

All tablets are having similar, if not the same, issues. I suppose a little bit of banter between friends is good. Just for your information, PC USER magazine has rated the A500 at 85% which is the same and on par with iPad2. Transformer came in at 80%. I just checked this yesterday while at the News Agent where I picked up the mag briefly for a parousal.

Actually I know the Transformer came in at less than 85% - I'm sure it was 80% but I'll check again.

No, what I am saying is that in my experience, having the luxury of both devices to play with, is not that one is better than the other, just that there are issues that may be tablet specific, and issues that may be Android itself. If there is an issue with your device I wouldn't just say that's a problem with Android when maybe it is something the manufacturer needs to address. And frankly this particular issue seems to affect my friends a500 more severely than my tablets. If people are willing to just accept it, it doesn't motivate manufacturers to deal with issues. This isn't a mine is better than yours issue, if it wasn't for the keyboard dock I would have got a Acer, and in fact if I am lucky I'm going to replace my wifi Galaxy Tab with a $189 a100 on black friday. I'm afraid I'm not real familiar with PC magazine but I will certainly look them up when I need someone to tell me what to think.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
But as far as the issue with Wifi, that it affect all tablets. I haven't had the problem except for dud routers at MacDonalds - where I know the router is faulty because not even a laptop connects. Icebike hasn't had problems either.

PC USER, I believe is a mag from the UK. I wouldn't trust mags implicitly.