Stuck on "Prepare software package" MID re-flash 1.6 wmt2.1.2_105

I do have this ROM from OEM WMT2.1.2_105. I going to have a beta Rooted with Market but some of you welling to test and it out? It's up to you? I can tell you we can backup your main files before the process starts. Run script that instead flashing the ROM it will backup it. I did that on my M150.
Robbie, I tried ePad OD | APPLE ICONS + MARKET + SL + 3G + BT + RR-MOD TZ1113C | 12/4/10 but didn't work for me
- says something like Android... prepare software package... you try it and come back to say how was it with yours.

As Koot says I think it is a problem with your SD card. All I can suggest is that you format your SD card. How I did it was through windows and chose not to do a quick format, I then copied the script folder to it and it worked perfectly.

I have also tried ePad OD | APPLE ICONS + MARKET + SL + 3G + BT + RR-MOD TZ1113C | 12/4/10. However it did not work for me I get the error "Erase File-System partition Fail! Exit! ... Maybe the kernel don't support the NAND Flash".

Hope you sort it.

I do have this ROM from OEM WMT2.1.2_105. I going to have a beta Rooted with Market but some of you welling to test and it out? It's up to you? I can tell you we can backup your main files before the process starts. Run script that instead flashing the ROM it will backup it. I did that on my M150.

If you can do a beta rooted with market that would be awesome. Count me in for testing.

Guys, I bought a dedicated microSD card reader, I formatted it as FAT32 and copied:
1) first the CVUK-PC06-2GEN version: I get my standard "Prepare software package ..." then nothing else happens.
2) also tried tipstir's rooted_wm212205_script.7z from WMT2.1.2_105 ROOTED ROM and I get "standby...processing software package build wmt2.1.1_105 ...wait" then nothing else happens. NOTE that it says wmt2.1.1_105 ...wait NOT wmt2.1.2_105... should it mean perhaps that it is something that remained from my previous attempts with various ROMs?

Please help, what else should I try beside these two?
Hi je_accuse,

Not certain, but there is very good chance your SD card is not fit to boot from! I've struggled with some other tablet that just wouldn't boot properly (always hanging) and then I've tried another card, flashing done! Besides those 2 ROMs I'm not sure. I'm working on a CVUK-PC06-2GEN by coincedence at the moment but am kinda stuck on the rescriptcmd, did found out much about how it works though, if anyone is interested visit my site it's posted under general discussion because it's not a solution yet. However I could built you a market enabled version thanks to ouzakias find, and load up some performance boosts and a nice application/game package by tomorrow if you want. But do you have another microSD to test with ? You're not too far away from me, you can borrow one if you happen to be near Tilburg anywhere soon.
Thanks for the suggestion, I should indeed try a different card, maybe that's the issue. I don't have another one so I'll have to go searching.
Tried another micro sd, same result...
"Prepare software package ..."

any other ROM beside the two I've tried?

P.S. Forgive my ignorance, but is there a way a "rest" has remained from my previous attempts to install? Is there a way to put something on the card to make sure first everything is erased and then try again?
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I got the same tablet, and I was wondering if it can be rooted.

So as of yet WMT2.1.2_105 cannot be rooted with a custom American rom?
My problem got solved. Apparently after I bought the USB micro sd reader I only formatted it in Windows and it didn't work; by chance now I used a HP tool to format and surprise, I could use the original firmware to repair.
The question is now if this ROM should be given a try: ROOTED ROM | UNTESTED USE AT YOUR OWN RISK | 12/12/10
Is it faster, guys?
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I tried that ROM, did not work for me.

It fails to find Udisk on /dev/sda and hangs therefore failing to upgrade the filesystem. This actually happens for the WMT2.1.2_105, WMT2.1.6_105, and the OEM script files from

All fail at the same place. Not sure what is wrong... whether I don't have permissions or whatever.
I tried that ROM, did not work for me.

It fails to find Udisk on /dev/sda and hangs therefore failing to upgrade the filesystem. This actually happens for the WMT2.1.2_105, WMT2.1.6_105, and the OEM script files from

All fail at the same place. Not sure what is wrong... whether I don't have permissions or whatever.

This, unfortunately, requires a USB disk to be connected using the USB adaptor. IT REFORMATS the disk - so DO NOT plug any USB flash in there or YOU WILL LOSE all your data.

P.S. still did not get anywhere with this xPAD.
Happy New Year!!!
Hello everyone, for all those who have tried the following firmware and failed to load:

ECOTOX android 1.7
ECOTOX 1.3.1
M002 Slatedroid Mercury RC (Logo Fixed)
M002 Slatedroid Mercury RC Beta
Slatedroid v1.1
update software for the item CVUK-PC06-2GEN
WMT 2.1.6_105_LF-C_v1.0b

This device came in a box labeled "MID" in green letters. Doesn't vibrate when turned on and has a green power LED. It shows WMT2.1.2_105 when booting. Any WMT2.1.2_105 you try on this device (I've tried an awful lot!) won't work! Lots of other firmware (see list above) gets stuck on "Preparing software package" or on "UDisk Not found (/dev/sda)". However, based on WMT2.0_105 I've managed to create a workaround for this problem. So I've managed to make a custom rom:


* disabled / removed phone
* change boottext
* rooted
* market
* optimized windows loading
* loads extra apps
* loads extra games
* deleted scn/tcn stuff
* removed / disabled phone func
* cleared dalvic cache
* changed bootlogo
* updated wallpapers
* removed 6.5mb from launcher clearing ramspace
* enabled adp
* added more wallpapers incl thumbs

Apps added:

Advanced Task Killer Pro 195
Android VNC build 20100819
Androzip 104
App Monster pro 184
Battery Booster
Beautiful widgets 3241
Cachemate for rootusers 263
Connectbot 400 All
Dolphin Browser 250
Esfile Explorer
Free Memory Lite 244
Meridian Player 140
Quick Settings 197p2
Quick System Info Pro 152
Remote Desktop 190
Sticky Notes

Games added:

Air Attack Lite 306
Air Control 107
Bubble Burst Pro 211
Freecell 203
Grenades AS 113
Little Python 110
Robo Defense 120
Root Explorer 2124
Salvo 10
Solitaire 1111
Splat 13
Splat II 15
Tank Ace 1944 105
Tap and Furious 104
Throttle Copter
Zen Table Tennis 102

Download this rom @ -=[HcH's TechKnow]=-
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After looking all over the internet, i start checking my tablet, and i just open it. And found some interesting things, that the tablet dont match with the description. The hardware is different, and i see some other people find out too. And the solution is use the m009 firmware from eken. I use it, and problem solved, my tablet is working again =)

Hope works for you too.
P.s: the most important is that has 2.2 android working on it =) Market, youtube and new features. =)
Dear je_accuse. Please help! Me this problem. Illustrate how made format scan dis? I could use the original firmware to repair. Help help :) Sorry bad english!! I Hungary. Thanks