stylus note taking app


May 9, 2012
Hi everyone
I'm really liking my iconia but i was wondering which is the best app to take notes with a stylus similar to supernote from the asus. Is there a way of getting that app to work on the iconia a510? Where can I find it? Or which app shall I use for this?
Try FreeNote, I am very impressed with this app. It includes the same basic functionality but more powerful if a little less polished. I was impressed with SuperNote on my transformer and was looking for something similar for my Galaxy Tab 7 plus and after trying a number of different apps including handwrite pro I happened upon this app. Although there apparently is no difference between the free version and FreeNote + I got the paid version from Amazon anyway just to support the developers in hopes they will continue to add features such as recognition.
The one irritating thing about SuperNote was having to create separate notebooks for paint, then having to import a created image into a note page. With FreeNote you can create and mix everything on a single page. The directory structure of notes still needs some work though as now it is a modified tag system but it works well.
Yes thats what i was looking for. Hope they add an export option soon though. Thanks.
Export options exist, look at the share tab at the top of the page you are working on. I hope this app grows on you the way it has me, I would love to see development continue.