Sub Forum ViewPad 10s


Mar 21, 2011

I think it is time for a sub forum for the device ViewPad 10s....
So, I think its better sorted then.

What do think the others?
I looked up the 10s yesterday and decided that the 10s discussions belong in the Advent Vega section because of this: Viewsonic 10s is the Advent Vega in a different case

The Advent Vega is the first brand that gave a name to this thing

Correct me if I am wrong though...

I am a newbie here, so do apologise if I am stepping on toes as it were, but I have been doing a lot of research over the last couple of weeks, as I want my first Android tablet to be a good one. Now there are similarities with the 10s & Advent Vega, but it has been said on other sites that the Advent Vega, hasn't got the hardware capabilities for a 3G modem with sim slot to be installed as the pins are slightly different to that of the 10s. It has also been suggested that the Point Of View Mobii 2 & the SmartBook Surfer 360, is the same as the Advent but with 3G & different branding on the case.

There isn't much difference in pricing between the Vega & 10s, but the 10's seem better value as it has the dual boot of Android 2.2 & Windows 7, as well as the 3G capabilities. But there is a rumour going around that the 10s only has access to the Viewpoint marketplace, but if this is the case, then perhaps the kind folk at modaco willl help provide a solution. :)