Suggestions For New Sections, Sub-Forums

It would useful for the form posts to behave like other forums, with the most recent posts on top.

We already have this, go to the end of a section and set the Thread Display Options any way you want.
I've looked all over in the WonderMedia 8650 forum, and I don't see any sub-forum listed for newbies who keep losing their (new) tablet's Wi-Fi connection and don't know why. I think that telling them what a router is would be in order. I'm tired of doing it myself LOL!

Keep up the good work!
I would really like to see more specific and USEFULL info on this specific device,I've posted several threads asking for help and no one could really give me any. This is really the only Android Tablet forum that I've seen that pertains specifically to Android tablets. So I'm lost.
hit the button [chinese/eng] found in the lower left of your digital keyboard. when the LED green light is on top of /eng the alpha keys will give you english letters while chinese character will be given if the LE green light is on top of [chinese/].