Super Easy Way to Root and Get Android Market on Your Kyros!

Fantastic and Easy to read... Thank you VERY much for this thread. I was terrified to try it but it really did work great.
I'm having the same problem of flash_image not found from terminal emulator.

I updated from Coby's site - no problem
I rooted with z4root - no problem
I copied the recovery.img to the sd card
I also copied gapps-passion ........... file to the sdcard
All those files are displayed when read on my PC from the CK 7015 connected via USB
Downloaded Terminal Emulator
I type SU and it gets permission from superuser
I type flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img and press return
It comes back with flash_image: not found

Frustrated! Any suggestions as I wanted to give the tablet to my wife for Valentines Day :)

found help on another site

you need to add flash_image file to tablet
Can anyone help me here? I followed the instructions step by step and cant get clockwork to work right, i can get into it but it wont let me past install from sdcard. It will not go any further what am i missing?
I cant get anywhere once i get to clockworkmod recovery and suggestions? I get into it fine, but if i select backup or restore, or install from sd card, when i select it it goes right to the clockworkmod recovery main menu again and again and again. Does anyone know what i need to do?:confused::mad:
I do everything fine but when i make reboot recovery i touch menu button instead of home and tablet reboot not in clockwork mode, Then it turns on normal and then i ru terminal emulator to make reboot recovery again and then the tablet reboot and freeze with de android logo, i can turn it off, and do anything. its totally freeze!!! help me please!
tiff: use the Menu button to select things in clockworkmod. it sounds like you're trying to use the silver Back button to make your selection...
I used the reset button. It unlocks the tablet. I turn it on again. Resume the procedure and it works just fine.
I have my tablet rooted 100% ok!
tiff: use the Menu button to select things in clockworkmod. it sounds like you're trying to use the silver Back button to make your selection...

hahahhahaha yep thats exactly what i was doing and now that i did it that way lets see if it works.......
Yep look at that i got the gapps market and all! Thanks everyone! One stupid mistake held me back like 3 days and i was ready to give up on my kyros! Glad i asked for help!
Thanks everyone for all your hard only took me about 3-1/2 weeks to get this right. Is that some sort of record? For anyone struggling pay particular attention to syntax (read spaces) and persist. Syntax just about destroyed me for about two weeks. Thanks again.
Ok so I am thoroughly confused can someone please hold my hand through this process. I want to download the google market on my new Coby. Please help.
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My Coby 7" tablet has a Build Number as follows: MID7015A 1.6a 01/26/11 Does that mean it is already updated? Russ