Superpad 1, 2 or 3 or what?


Jun 18, 2012
Have a 10" Android Tablet with the following Specs -

Model Number: P001 RTL8188-20111206
Android Version: 2.3.3
Baseband Version: Unknown
Kernel Version: root@ice #53
Build Number: GRI40

Any idea if it can be upgraded at all, battery life is not much cop and sometimes it throws a wobbly with the media scanner.

Any help appreciated.
I VERY MUCH wish I could make a copy of your firmware!!!
I have one of these... or I should say that's what mine showed, but it did not have the factory recovery in it and it 'blew up'.
Ive been fighting to find 'it' ever since.
Have you had it open yet?
If you have the same board mine does, (WWE10-6-2-V2.0 DK1031L-2011.11.02), you will likely find that there is a small black battery soldered to the board.
You will ALSO likely find a little white 2-pin connector for a REAL, DECENT battery (like the one I 'borrowed' from another broken tablet I have) :rolleyes: IT IS POSSIBLE to swap them out with another one.

In fact, I would be willing to send you a decent replacement if you can manage to get me a copy of your tablet's software.
PM me if you wish...

Oh... for the record, I only know that the Superpad (1) was the 256Mb, 2Gb, 2 tf slot version.
What they did after that is enuf to spin the head off a chicken! :D
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