superpad 111 flytouch 3


Dec 13, 2011
Hi Ihave just joined the forum. I have recently bought 2 x flytouch 111 superpad 111 ? for my grandsons for xmas However everything works great email google gps it has two usb ports that i have managed to unlock to view files (thanks to you tube info) but the android market will not download many apps that work or any paid apps. I have read your thread about having to upgrade something but cant seem to get to it. My grandchildren love the apps palne finder and bunny shooter. plane finder just comes up as item not found and bunny shooter locks up when you press play but you can here the music The version of tablet is android tab 10 version v2.3 2011-11-11(001112) kernel root@wanghua-desktop hash206 build number frf85b dont want my grandkids to be dissapointed if you know what i mean. Can anyone help with this Many thanks for your time Pepe.