SuperPad 3 - Android 2.3 change with Windows 7 or Ubuntu


Nov 6, 2011
Hi, my name is Adrian Pirjol and i have a question.
I have a tablet PC "SuperPad3 4Gb" and i want install windows 7 or Ubuntu, that is possible?
How can i booting on tablet PC

Thanks for helpme,
Hey dont know if you found this out yet but im new to the tablet scene and I want the windows 7 on my tablet as well
I have the same one so if you find out any information lmk please. I also wonder if I need to root the superpad if so how is that done
hello im back i found one solution bochs.apk and lidsdl.apk from virtual machine but i have a problem i cant run the program can you help me??? i try start run the app and tablet make black screen from 1 sec and before close the program and im gone back at menu why??