SuperPAD VI Can't Install Firmware


Sep 12, 2013
Hi all. I'm new here, and I've got a problem with my Superpad VI 512 DDR cortex A8 1.0 Ghz. Yesterday i've lost the wi-fi, meaning that when i want to turn it on from the menu, it just says "erorr". Whell.. the only solution was to restore factory reset. By doing that, on the restart, now my tablet only shows the Android 2.3 logo with the green buddy, and stays like that for hours. I've tryied flashing it with Vortex flash tool, both with 4.0 android, and 2.3 original firmware. Then i've tried with the Sd card method, with the "" file. Still nothing. After reflashing, on the PC it says "Succesfully updated", with the SdCard through the recovery menu it says the same. But the tablet still won't boot. I took it to a friend of mine, he took it appart and found that the flash chip. the one responsible for the wi fi connection is busted. He says the only way to get it going is to replace that flash chip with another one. Where can i find a flash chip for this tablet? Is there another way to install the firmware? Is the tablet bricked?
Waitin for someone to help me please.
Thank you!
There is no 'flash chip' 'responsible' for wifi... you have a NOR flash which stores 'hard boot' and possibly recovery software, and a NAND flash that stores Android and the others...

... and not having wifi will not prevent a reinstall of software...

Since you did not mention how much storage this SP7 has I cant guess which chip you're talking about.

Got any pics?
Hello. thx for the reply. It is the 4GB 512 DDR tablet. As I said, the problem came when the wi-fi gave me the error when trying to connect. so i did a restore from the option menu. and then after restart just stands there with the logo on screen. i've tried both flashing methods and still no result. what can be wrong? thx
You said your friend took it apart...
What 'name' was on the board? There would have been writing identifying the 'model' of the board...
Without knowing that, I'd say you might have given it a tummyache... (put wrong 'version' in the board)
Some pics of the board (both sides) would be a BIG help...

(Is the 'on' switch next to the RT speaker pushed AWAY from the speaker? WIFI does not work if it is not...)
Hi mate. Just took the tablet appart myself. And on the mainboard is written: MID-1015VGM-V2.1. I just found out from my friend that the NAND flash is bricked. so I took out the Sd card mounted on the mainboard and i'm trying to install android 2.3 on it, with a card reader, from PC. I did some search but nothing concludent. How can i install android on an Sdcard? can u help me please? Thank you