Survey: help needed for thesis about tablets


Oct 6, 2010

My name is Wouter Pasman and I'm currently writing a thesis about tablets and user paid content. I made a survey of 16 questions that will support some of my statements. If you can help me that would be great! I posted the survey on my own website, you can find the link below:

Link: Survey - tablets

Information about my school:
I'm studying at the higher professional education in Amsterdam. I'm specializing myself in media, marketing & publishing.

Thanks for your participation!

With kind regards,

Wouter Pasman
Wouter, FYI I took your survey a week or so ago. It was interesting and fun. My only question is that it seems to be phrased from the point of view of current owners, rather than prospective buyers. Perhaps you can add a little more detail in your OP to help attract potential respondents.

As a researcher in experimental psychology, I would also recommend that you ask your adviser to give you $100 (or euro equivalent) and allow participants to enter their name in some kind of a lottery for online credit (paypal?). I'm sure you'll be breaking all kinds of international banking and currency laws, but what the heck it's in the name of science!

Good luck!

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Thanks for that. I probably can't change my questions, because it will destroy my response. Maybe add some new questions..I will look into it. Thanks again for the advice..