SYNET7LP-DS, Wrong Firmware Dead Case


Dec 20, 2012
hi to all members

my tablet dead after flash with wrong firmware.

now only green light when power on.

is there any way to detect my tab with pc (any combination or shorting any 2pins by tweezers)

it will be very much helpful to alive my tablet.

many expectation from seniors.

hi to all members

my tablet dead after flash with wrong firmware.

now only green light when power on.

is there any way to detect my tab with pc (any combination or shorting any 2pins by tweezers)

it will be very much helpful to alive my tablet.

many expectation from seniors.


214 views , but no one reply, no solution ? Impossible?

seniors where are u?
Hello, I'm sorry to hear that, i used to deal with my original sytabex7, the one that came without the gyroscope, I still have it and its still working too, but I moved on to galaxy tab 2; a while ago Sylvania or digital gadgets they use to distribute the os to install into the tabs in case that something goes wrong, so in my time there was only 2 models; I've never heard about your model, but on my days if you installed by error or mistake another os that didn't correspond to your specific tablet? You brick it, and there was nothing to do at that time; I'm not saying that you brick it, because there is a led showing at least, in my times and on my tabs there wasn't any led at all, if you remember when your tab was working if it says infotmic at the start maybe it's time to search or write to infotmic telling your problem, also in my times digital gadgets vanished for all of us, and the support was gone;

So besides the os that I still have download it for my tab sytabex7 mini tablet express on my PC, you'll just try to find the one that correspond to your tab; they were fine tabs altought not iPad, not galaxy tab, but a good one, I really don't know what happened with them; so I make the move into the galaxy tab 2, and from time to time I visit the forum to see if there is something new about it, but what I read is that people have a lot of trouble with them, why? Don't know, did it happened that I got lucky with mine? Maybe, I brick it my self too, but i it happened that on that time there was the only model that everybody got, I remembered that I bought it on CVS pharmacy,



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