SYTAB10MT root success

I have the following apps on my tablet that require "phone status" -- Amazon app store, battery widget, business calendar, docs to go, ez pdf reader, universalandroot

All have worked flawlessly since the root and removal of phone and telephony apk's. I use this tablet for work, mainly e-mail and .pdf viewing/annotating. I have downloaded and app from Amazon. Viewed and modified my calendar. Viewed .pdf's. So no true "testing", just using my apps and tablet as I normally would as my daily routine.

As far as battery life, yesterday it ran for 4 1/2 hours on wi-fi continuously just for a test..... before, I would be lucky to get 2 1/2 hours.

By the way, funny story and cfrockit will appreciate this also, I e-mailed DG about my current software and they told me it was a "typo", my version really is 2.20 not the 3.20 that my about device says it is. I think I am supposed to believe them, but I don't.
Thanks for the feedback. I've renamed the phone and telephony APKs with a .bak extension.... when you rename phone.apk an almost immediate reboot was required as it kept giving me a popup error. That error was gone after reboot, and everything appears to be working so far.

I would definitely recommend renaming vs. deleting- it accomplishes the same thing, and you can always go back if for some reason you need/want to.
thanks rjazz117 followed your instructions and have root now.i have rooted and flashed roms and recoveries on variouse android phones but this is my very first tablet,and my first time on this forum.i dont alot about tablets but whatever i can do to help i am if we coul just get a custom recovery and a rom on this thing it would be smoking!thanks again for your instructions.
Hi guys .. going to apologize in advance for anything stupid I say , I'm new to the forums and very new to rooting tablets, this was/is my first attempt to do so actually.. first let me add my thnanks to rjazz117 :) ... I have the sylvania 10 inch magni tablet model number SYSTAB10ST which I think (hope) will work the same as the SYTAB10MT this thread is about? I followed rjazz117's instructions ... was practically close to sobbing in frustration it is SO difficult to navigate on this tablet even using the stylus, it doesn't respond at first then when it does respond it scrolls up and down super fast, too fast... when you try to get it to scroll it "selects" something by mistake even though you're swiping.. it took me literally an hour to complete the part of jazz's instructions where you press down for a long time (long touch) on the home pad type thing then select the right options - it was literally that difficult to select what I needed to, took literally 60 tries (I know because it created an icon by mistake on the touch screen every time) before I was finally to select the "developer" option I needed to ... the sad thing is I complained to sylvania, they sent me an "updated" tablet, updated tablet (has latest sylvania OS on it) is just as unresponsive as the old OS .... anyways I'm pretty sure I rooted it successfully because I couldn't run titanium pro before but now I can, backed everything up... at this point I'm trying to remove all the applications I know I'm never going to use in the hope of speeding up the performance on this painfully slow thing... I know the instructions say to open up each program and it should give you a "super user" prompt saying you can use it in super user mode... it did that for a few of the programs but did not do it for the programs I'd like to remove (kobe, utube dialer, alarm clock, droid reader, email, tts service, dialer ) ... I've tried clicking on the "settings" tab then "applications" then "manage applications" then selecting each one I want to uninstall.. the "unistall" button is greyed out and unavailable even though I've clicked on "force stop" and "clear data" options (just in case that was necessary to make the "uninstall" button available but no luck)... I saw someone mention deleting apk programs on this post so I tried looking in the "mypad" application and looking under the "local" tab with no luck there either, not seeing any apk programs I can delete that would match the programs I'm trying to get rid of.. any help anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated ! Thanks to anyone who's reading this...
Hi guys .. going to apologize in advance for anything stupid I say , I'm new to the forums and very new to rooting tablets, this was/is my first attempt to do so actually.. first let me add my thnanks to rjazz117 :) ... I have the sylvania 10 inch magni tablet model number SYSTAB10ST which I think (hope) will work the same as the SYTAB10MT this thread is about? I followed rjazz117's instructions ... was practically close to sobbing in frustration it is SO difficult to navigate on this tablet even using the stylus, it doesn't respond at first then when it does respond it scrolls up and down super fast, too fast... when you try to get it to scroll it "selects" something by mistake even though you're swiping.. it took me literally an hour to complete the part of jazz's instructions where you press down for a long time (long touch) on the home pad type thing then select the right options - it was literally that difficult to select what I needed to, took literally 60 tries (I know because it created an icon by mistake on the touch screen every time) before I was finally to select the "developer" option I needed to ... the sad thing is I complained to sylvania, they sent me an "updated" tablet, updated tablet (has latest sylvania OS on it) is just as unresponsive as the old OS .... anyways I'm pretty sure I rooted it successfully because I couldn't run titanium pro before but now I can, backed everything up... at this point I'm trying to remove all the applications I know I'm never going to use in the hope of speeding up the performance on this painfully slow thing... I know the instructions say to open up each program and it should give you a "super user" prompt saying you can use it in super user mode... it did that for a few of the programs but did not do it for the programs I'd like to remove (kobe, utube dialer, alarm clock, droid reader, email, tts service, dialer ) ... I've tried clicking on the "settings" tab then "applications" then "manage applications" then selecting each one I want to uninstall.. the "unistall" button is greyed out and unavailable even though I've clicked on "force stop" and "clear data" options (just in case that was necessary to make the "uninstall" button available but no luck)... I saw someone mention deleting apk programs on this post so I tried looking in the "mypad" application and looking under the "local" tab with no luck there either, not seeing any apk programs I can delete that would match the programs I'm trying to get rid of.. any help anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated ! Thanks to anyone who's reading this...
Welcome to the forum!

Whew, I'm exhausted reading your post. Too much effort on your part, it shouldn't be that difficult. A few things -

- Do a "factory reset" (a quick search or review of the sticky's) to see if that clear up the slowness
- Do not delete stock applications rename them from .apk to .bak using Root Explorer or another file manager (another search will result in a few posts)
- My Pad is a basic file explorer see above for a suggestion or search for more
- Search for the listing of stock applications that can be renamed but mostly it's been attempted to save battery life.
- The upgrade to 2.2 was the speed improvement. You sure you have the latest? Post the details from Device Info and search how to find the Hardware Id "hwver"
- Calibrate the screen, do a factory data reset, check all your settings. Charge the battery. Use a stylus.

Post your progress, it shouldn't be that much trouble.
Suggestion to either a moderator in these forums or someone who's ambitious... how about a sticky with a list of resources/threads for these tablets, one for the 7" and another for the 10". I know I've had a tough time finding info and have had to filter through a lot of info for the 7's when looking for the 10s.

We are going to get hit with a lot of folks who get these tablets from the big red guy this weekend... it's only going to get worse with questions and frustration with no Google Market on these.
Welcome to the forum!

Whew, I'm exhausted reading your post. Too much effort on your part, it shouldn't be that difficult. A few things -

- Do a "factory reset" (a quick search or review of the sticky's) to see if that clear up the slowness
- Do not delete stock applications rename them from .apk to .bak using Root Explorer or another file manager (another search will result in a few posts)
- My Pad is a basic file explorer see above for a suggestion or search for more
- Search for the listing of stock applications that can be renamed but mostly it's been attempted to save battery life.
- The upgrade to 2.2 was the speed improvement. You sure you have the latest? Post the details from Device Info and search how to find the Hardware Id "hwver"
- Calibrate the screen, do a factory data reset, check all your settings. Charge the battery. Use a stylus.

Post your progress, it shouldn't be that much trouble.

Hey thanks so much for the quick reply cfrockit especially this close to xmas ! :) .. Yeah lots of effort and near-tears on my part :p ...

Did the factory reset before sending my first sylvania tablet in to be replaced by the refurbished one, still slow as molasses... my complaint to the RMA dept. at sylvania was about the slowness (and internet connection being periodically dropped though that doesn't seem to be so much of a problem lately thank goodness) , they assured me the tablet is supposed to "zip" through from one screen to another... they sent me a refurbished tablet with the latest version of the O/S, android version DG 2.20 , Hardware ID, Fireware ID DG2.2.1-10a3.b1 ..... tried doing the factory reset anyways , tablet is still slow as all heck (I'm hoping rendering the non necessary app's non-functional will help with this as far as speeding up the tablet).. and sorry should have mentioned this in my first post, was using a stylus and tablet was fully charged ... stylus , fingertip , fingernail, didn't seem to make a difference what was used, it was nightmarish getting the tablet to cooperate as far as simply letting me scroll and/or click on what I wanted to click on.

The "see above for a suggestion or search for more" part... here's the thing, I did read over the entire thread but I'm so new to this whole rooting thing I'm not sure what they mean in the initial posts :( .. like in the first two posts on this thread there's a discussion about how one should " RootExplorer I was able to mount /system r/w, change perms on a file, then with ES File Explorer I was able to edit /system/etc/Wireless/RT2870STA/RT2870STA.dat to change the TxPower=100 to TxPower=20. The file was still set to 20 after power off/on. I guess that shows you can in fact edit in /system and have the changes stick "... I have root explorer installed, when it first installed I followed the prompts to grant "superuser" access.... easy enough it asks you right away as soon as you first install it if you want superuser access I just said yes :) ... but beyond that not sure at all how to navigate to and find the apk files I don't want , what program would be best to do this et cetera :( ... I did see something I missed earlier, a reference to "ES File Explorer".. I installed that but the closest I can come to seeing the contents of the android "hard drive" (unless I'm looking in the wrong place which I probably am ) are folders that say things like " android", " DCIM", " download", " Kobo", " Lost.dir", "sdcard1", "sdcard2", " slideME", " Titaniumbackup", " Udisk1", "Udisk2"... I've searched inside each folder and I'm not finding any apk files that seem to match the programs I want to render inoperative :( ...
I've searched inside each folder and I'm not finding any apk files that seem to match the programs I want to render inoperative :( ...


There are few other post with a listing of the applications and whether or not they'll have any impact by disabling. It will take some time to find but they're somewhere.

Here is at least one -
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Hi guys sorry for the delay, xmas happened then new years , gets so busy with the kids around :( ... cfrockit thanks so much for your help :) .. for a while it was going very smoothly..I'm going to post a cautionary tale now for anyone who's in the same dilemma I was...

I was able to get to the point where I was renaming apk files (thanks again for that frockit) ... but in my foolishness I renamed a file named "userdictionary" or something to that effect to a bak file.. this basically destroys any hope the tablet has of you being able to use the on-screen keyboard ... titanium backup wasn't able to restore my tablet to it's original condition (Unless i was not using the program correctly which is entirely possible) , it looks like titanium only lets you restore single applications instead of the whole "restore the tablet to it's original default condition".. tried resorting to a factory reset in desperation, onscreen keyboard is still not working.. so basically I managed to brick my tablet... moral of the story here... it looks like the apk files that say "phone" in them or the like are in fact safe to rename as is the kobo file , the utube file, the contacts files ... but do not under any circumstances touch that "userdictionary" apk file or you'll end up with a bricked tablet like me. I've contacted sylvania customer service to see if I can get their techs to restore it to "factory default" condition and if so how much the cost would be - I'm thinking it would be kind of obvious the moment they saw the tablet I'd messed with it , plus they already RMA'ed it once so I figure they'd have to charge me the 2nd time around unless I get really lucky ... thanks again for all your help cfrockit I'm just sorry that it was wasted on me due to my own stupidity :( .. hopefully other people reading this will learn from my mistakes.
did a bit more research.. the file that I believe is causing the problems is called "userdictionaryprovider.apk"... it's a long shot but if anyone would be willing to copy and paste the file and e-mail it to me it would REALLY help me out a lot , I could try doing a copy and paste and see if restoring the original apk file will un-brick the tablet..

also as an FYI for anyone reading this.. I e-mailed sylvania support, they confirmed that they will NOT make the original operating system type files available for download unlike say the asus tablet people (here's an example of asus tablet type downloads, could be wrong but I'm assuming the OS is in there somewhere ? Pad Transformer TF101&os=32 )

Apparently the parent company of the people who make the tablet flat out refuse to let them do it ... their customer support has been great I got to admit, RMA'ed the first tablet and after I fessed up they said they'd re-image the original operating system onto the tablet as long as I paid for the cost to have them ship it back to me (basically I have to purchase a prepaid UPS shipping label) .. it still really bites though, between cost to ship it to them and cost for them to mail it back it'll probably run me twenty five to thirty dollars :( ..
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When I try to download game and they download install and when I open is a blank screen. Anyone else experiencing this problem... I have a SYTAB10MT
UPDATE - hey for anyone as stupid as I am who deletes stuff they're not supposed to when doing this :( .. see

note also my comments there , if you're running a PC that's 64 bit (and/or a PC that is capable of running more than 4 GB of memory) the solution there to restore the tablet back to it's original condition might not work for you :( ... if you're fortunate enough to have an "old" version of windows xp (say win xp "home" edition which I was fortunate enough to have however) try vmplayer 5.0 , apparently it supports usb and lets you run other operating systems on your PC ...