T-Mobile G-Slate Coming April 20th for $529 On-contract


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

It looks like we will finally get a hold of a T-Mobile G-Slate as of April 20th. It's launch date has been confirmed for tomorrow. It will sell for $629 on-contract with a $100 dollar main-in rebate. Even though the mail-in rebate kinda sucks, the device looks like a worthy competitor to the Xoom and iPad. You can check it out in the video above, and here is a recap of its specs below:
  • 8.9-inch 3D-enable display (1280×720 pixels)
  • Nvidia Tegra 2 dual-core CPU
  • 5-megapixel rear-facing stereoscopic camera with LED flash, Full HD 1080p and 3D video recording
  • 720p HD video playback
  • HDMI for 1080p HD and 3D output
  • Android 3.0 Honeycomb
Between this one, the Toshiba Tablet, and the ASUS Eee Pad Transformer, there are a lot of great choices in Android Tablets soon-to-be-available. What do you guys think?

Source: TalkAndroid
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Check with customer service or a store representative before jumping on this though.

I looked into it back in February when they do their Valentines Weekend sale. As it was explained to me, TMO doesn't simply move your service over to the tablet and let you continue from there. Instead, you have to open a second line (for SMS and Google Talk puposes) with the tablet on it. The reasoning given for this is that the tablets are "meant for internet use. They're not intended for phone calls." Countering with the logic that cell phones were intended for phone calls and not internet, but still have internet didn't seem to work.
$529 for the unit PLUS $720 for 2years of $29.99 service? $1249????? I'll stick to tethering to wifi hotspots, thank-you.
This tablet just seems like uber fail to me. Specs wise it's the same as the XOOM. However you give up 1.2 inches of screen space for what...3D videoing? What's really ironic is that this slate doesn't even have the capability to view it's own 3D videos!

The price is also just awful. With Transformer and Acer tablets (and to a less extent Toshiba tab) why would anyone want this?
This tablet just seems like uber fail to me. Specs wise it's the same as the XOOM. However you give up 1.2 inches of screen space for what...3D videoing? What's really ironic is that this slate doesn't even have the capability to view it's own 3D videos!

The price is also just awful. With Transformer and Acer tablets (and to a less extent Toshiba tab) why would anyone want this?

Actually, there is an app on there to view the 3D recordings.
Their memory? What? Is this iPad emulation? Where is the SD card slot???!!!! Only a fool would buy this without memory expansion.