tablet question


Senior Member
Apr 11, 2015
i use a tablet at my pc desk to view my security cameras. i now use a ellipsis qtar7 10.1" tablet. i like it because i can view it at any angle but it is a bit slow in the view. i would like to know it there is a table that has a bit faster cpu and maybe higher version OS. i have 5.1 now i was wondering if the ipads are better at doing this. it would be great if i could find one that had a hdmi input then i could plug in my nvr directly to it and i would have the direct video. now it uses wifi for that and that could be the bottleneck as it uses 2.4 and 5g but both are about the same for playback.

i was looking at getting a tv but for the price i may as well get a tablet as i get more options. so does anyone happen to know what tablet might be good for using as a monitor for security cameras and has a better video response and or hdmi input port. even a ipad will be ok as long as it works i rather find a android as i do not have tp pay again for the tinycam program. thanks bp
i have seen that link and i found all of those on ebay and the sellers said no hdmi inputs. so they don't or the sellers do not know for sure. what i'm hoping is someone actually has one and uses it so then i now for sure. also in that list i sent emails to the mfg and asked them if those mentioned devices did have hdmi and most came back and said no they have hdmi out not in.

so maybe someone has one and has used it so i know for sure. i got a few from that list and they did not have hdmi input and i do not want to just get them to find out the rest do not as well. thanks
Since tablets do not come with HDMI ports, you will need to use a USB to HDMI adapter on whichever tablet you end up purchasing. You may also need Displaylink software on the tablet for it to work, but it can be done.

Now, I have personally not tried it as my tablet is a secondary device, but according to its specifications my Lenovo tablet (TB-8504F, Android 8.1) does have HDMI support in its MicroUSB port.
thanks i now have the ellipsis qtar7 10.1 5.1 tablet and i did try that adapter and it did not work. but that does not mean it will not. i had an app but not that app so i might try that app if it is for android and see. what i was hoping for was a tablet that just had it built in. but let me give that a try and see, maybe that adapter will work with that app. thanks again.

ok looked up the Displaylink software and it looks like that is put on the pc, i'm not wanting this for a pc connection it is for a security cam setup and i need to use the tablet for a monitor connected to the nvr unit. maybe someone knows if there is a vga to usb adapter that will allow the tablet to works as a monitor
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