Tablet ran out of battery and can't start up again


Jun 25, 2012
Hi everybody.

I hope that someone can help me.

My tablet ran out of battery, and I couldn't get it to startup past the android animation.

I tried letting it run out of battery and leave it for about 24 hours, but with no luck. Then I wrote to the retailer and they said I should update the firmware.

And here's the problem, when trying to upgrade the firmware the tablet says something about formatting, and the writes update oem......

And it just stays there, nothing else happens, I have tried leaving it there for some hours with no luck.

Can anyone help me?
Hi Robert !

wich version of the tablet have you? 3a, 2n , 2n ?
Are you sur you download the right version?
If it's ok, the problem of the upgrade is coming from your SD card. Try another one.

format the Sd card, put the zt-update and only the zt-update folder in the sd card with the right version.
let me know when you done thoses things
(i'm french sorry for my bad english :D)
I will try to find the version when I get home. I guess I see the version number on the label, am I right? I got the upgrade version if it helps.
Do you know which versions require which firmware.
It's ok your french I'm from Denmark, so I don't blame you :-D
yeah it's the number on the label, you will find a number like xxxxxx3axxxx or xxxxx2nxxxxx. After that, you can go to and download the latest version of android which is ICS 4.0.3 or the old one 2.3 .

when it's done, you will find some files with the name of the model of your tablet, copy and past the right version in the zt-update folder.
copy the zt-update to the sdcard, and flash ;)
Oh, by the way, on the right side of the tablet right next to the lower right corner, there is a very small port that serves two purposes. One of these is that the microphone is inside the hole somewhere. The other purpose is the one that concerns you. Take a small paper clip and pull one end out to right angles from the body of the clip. Holding onto the body of the clip, insert the small end into the port, push down on it till you feel a firm stop to inserting the paper clip. This will reset the tablet, not deleting programs, but clearing data that might be causing your tablet to seize, or stall while booting, or to cause the tablet to freeze while you were operating it.

Once you get the tablet operating again, install and run Avast Anti-virus before you do anything else. Who knows, a virus may be the reason the tablet stops while booting.
I have an idea I;m going to toss out. Many tablets can't see the firmware on a microSD card unless the card is formatted FAT32. NTFS, for this purpose, can be a problem.
I've tried the reset hole many times without luck.
Now I try with another SD card with the firmware on. I sure hope it works.
It didn't work. :-(

The tablet still freezes when trying to update the firmware. This is what I do.

I plug the charger in the tablet, insert the SD card, push the camerabutton + power. Then this happens.

The tablet writes "preparing mmc update process" or something like that, then it says "starting update", then the screen goes black and turns on again with a android in the back.

Then it formats the system in 4 steps, and at last it write "Update oem package" and it freezes with that writing nothing happens. Now I try letting it run for about 10 hours hoping it will work, but I don't have high hopes about it.

What can I do?

I think it's a bit odd that just because my tablet run out of power, it can't turn on again.
Can flashing the tablet with a custom rom from slatedroid maybe help?

I sure hope someone can give me the perfect hint on getting my tablet to work again.
Try Swoody13's custom rom, it's perfect for me, delete the entire zt update folder first and put his one and only his one on the sd card. Oh and as weird as it sounds.... Unplug the charger before you do anything. Having the charger plugged in messed up both mine and my dads!

Here's the download -
And here's the thread for it but basically do the update as normal using those files

And when it starts booting up after the install don't worry if it takes a while, it normally does first time
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It doesn't work it still freezes.

But now's my problem that the boot logo is changed, and I need to send the tablet back to where I bought it.

So can anyone help me to how I restore the original bootlogo?