TabletConnect's Official Review - RIM BlackBerry PlayBook


Senior Member
Aug 4, 2010
I just want to preface my Conclusion/Summary: it is long. I only posted the first paragraph as I did a three paragraph conclusion, which is the longest I have written.

Overall, the RIM PlayBook performed very well and is a good tablet depending on what type of buyer you are. Price is also right at $499. What are the some of the major positives: 1) excellent quality build; 2) WiFi File Sharing; 3) excellent screen quality; 4) plays most video formats; 5) excellent HD video output (via HDMI); 6) excellent front speakers; 7) ability to “bridge” or connect with a BlackBerry phone; 8) decent battery life; and last but probably the best feature is its multitasking capabilities. The ability to easily run multiple apps at once, easily switch from app to app and close specific open apps is one area where Android & Apple's iOS cannot compete. HP's webOS has similar capabilities so we definitely will compare those. Now some of the negatives: 1) no file manager built-in (Android 3.0 also has this issue); 2) power button is way too small; 3) GPS is useless since Bing Maps require WiFi connection; 4) poor app selections and little US-market news apps; 5) no folders for apps; 6) cannot charge PlayBook if turned off; 7) IT folks can disable the Bridge app which defeats one of PlayBook's main purposes; 8) no ability to add memory (following iPad's footstep here?) and most importantly 9) no native email client, calendar or task list. The PlayBook is a decent first attempt in RIM introducing their first tablet.

To continue reading the Conclusion or to read the full review, click here.
Thanks for sharing, I am starting university in September in Journalism and have seriously been considering purchasing a tablet. I am a Blackberry owner and I love it. I must say that the best part of my Blackberry is that I can multi-task, so this is a very important feature for me. However I still haven't decided between an Android tablet or the PlayBook.
Thanks for sharing, I am starting university in September in Journalism and have seriously been considering purchasing a tablet. I am a Blackberry owner and I love it. I must say that the best part of my Blackberry is that I can multi-task, so this is a very important feature for me. However I still haven't decided between an Android tablet or the PlayBook.

My opinion is that the PlayBook is still not ready. If you are OK waiting for the various updates including the Android Player (so you can use Android apps), then it should be fine for you since you already own a Blackberry. If your cannot wait, definitely get an Android tablet.

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My opinion is that the PlayBook is still not ready. If you are OK waiting for the various updates including the Android Player (so you can use Android apps), then it should be fine for you since you already own a Blackberry. If your cannot wait, definitely get an Android tablet.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

Thanks for the info, I really appreciate it! :)
i would honestly recommend that you do not buy blackberry playbook for your studies in September. actually this device is more suited for business men that wish to take advantage of data synchronization. however blackberry playbook would not fulfill much of your needs, being a journalist you should go for a tablet with good camera and content sharing capability.
i would honestly recommend that you do not buy blackberry playbook for your studies in September. actually this device is more suited for business men that wish to take advantage of data synchronization. however blackberry playbook would not fulfill much of your needs, being a journalist you should go for a tablet with good camera and content sharing capability.

Thanks for your feedback. I agree that the PlayBook is more of a corporate or enterprise device. However, many non-corporate folks have or are looking at this device. My review is from a regular consumer's point of view not corporate. I hope my review will give consumers the information necessary for them to make their own decision. Unfortunately i couldn't test the bridge capability because my own company has disabled it. Anyhow the PlayBook is not a bad tablet.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
Playbook is a great device, but does anyone know what market will support it? I have heard that it can run Android apps. Is this true?
It seems that Playbook is a cool device for business. But for folks like us, we prefer to get a device to have fun. So, if there are not a lot apps, I would walk along with Android.
I am very much addicted to blackberry and its products. If to choose between Blackberry playbook or Android Tablet, then it's obviously blackberry.
This post is very helpful as you described all pros and cons about RIM BlackBerry Playbook. Thanks for sharing your experience.