Tablets for Dummies


Dec 27, 2010

I am a complete and total newbie at this Tablet thing. :eek: I bought a S7 just before Christmas because it seemed to do everything I wanted it to do, it was getting good reviews and the price was right.

Now, questions questions. :confused:

The "User's Manual" is fairly lame. Is there a more detailed manual online somewhere that goes into more detail? I'm talking about basic rudimentary stuff; not just configuring. Like, I managed to create a folder in my Favorites page, but nowhere does it say how to delete a folder. :mad: How can I delete it?

Or, how do I move applications to my Favorites? That stupid little booklet (half of which is in Spanish :rolleyes:) is basically useless.

The S7 appears to have a docking station port on the bottom, next to the SD card slot, but so far I have not been able to find a docking station for it. Is there such a thing? :confused:

What is the difference between a Resistive and Capacitive screen? Why is one better than the other? :confused:

Why can't I get my Windows 7 to recognize the S7? I tried to find drivers on the Huawei Devices site but couldn't find what I need. :(

Help! (And thanks in advance.) :)
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welcome, and congratulations for your acquisition, its a great table, first off all, you must read the topics on the top of forum, that you give you a lot of start information....
Next time put questions in bullets

1. Is there a more detailed manual online somewhere that goes into more detail.
>> NO, its a smart device, a detail manual will be ridiculously lengthy
Edit: tjanuario posted a link with more detailed manual
2. I managed to create a folder in my Favorites page, but nowhere does it say how to delete a folder. How can I delete it? Or, how do I move applications to my Favorites?
>> I dont understand
3. How can I delete it?
>> Try hardware menu key (the one with 3 horizontal bars)
4. I have not been able to find a docking station for it. Is there such a thing?
>> Yes, I've seen picture, I believe it was posted here, but I cant find where to buy.
5. What is the difference between a Resistive and Capacitive screen?
>> Wiki it, but short explanation Capacitive is more sensitive while Resistive is more accurate
6. Why can't I get my Windows 7 to recognize the S7?
I dont know, I use Mac and it recognized fine
Salty_Dog - I also have to say, every single one of your questions is addressed the in the stickies on this sub-section of the site. The search function is quite robust and is your friend.

Hi Salty dog-
Welcome to a great resource site. When you take the time to read all the stickies at leisure- not in a rush to fix something- but just to read you will find lots of nice to know stuff that you don't think about until you come across the problem and you'll think " I read about this in those sticky threads!!!" They will always be in the same place so you can refer back to them. I love my tablet!! Took 2 days of reading and trial and error for me to fix all my problems. Not too shabby. Just persist and you'll figure it out!

PS- Love the name. Do you know the story of the salty dog?
This thread seems like the appropriate place to show my ignorance.:eek:

Why is it that there must be 20 programs open and running when the i box (notification flashing i) is flashing. I know I didn't run them. Or open them. Is there a start menu that can be modified like on a PC to limit automatic running programs when the tablet is first started? If anyone can enlighten me I would appreciate it. Thank you.
Android opens those apps and keeps them open for efficiency, android manages memory/space much differently than windows.

For more details you can read about memory management on the android dev site.

Sent from my nonsensikal froyo
We also have some good docs here on it. It is not really necessary, but you can get ATK from the market to auto and manually kill apps.

Task killers are not all that great IMO. Android will continue to restart the apps that you are killing. I find it best to just let androind manage itself, it's pretty good at it.

Sent from my nonsensikal froyo
Hi Salty dog-
Welcome to a great resource site. When you take the time to read all the stickies at leisure- not in a rush to fix something- but just to read you will find lots of nice to know stuff that you don't think about until you come across the problem and you'll think " I read about this in those sticky threads!!!" They will always be in the same place so you can refer back to them. I love my tablet!! Took 2 days of reading and trial and error for me to fix all my problems. Not too shabby. Just persist and you'll figure it out!

PS- Love the name. Do you know the story of the salty dog?

I need to know something as well. Why does my S7 force close after watching YouTube for some time? The i button on the top corner (I think it is the programs running button) keeps on flashing.
This interrupts the watching moment and I have to close out of it and retry and more often than not it will do the same thing.
Also the ATKiller, does it act as a deleter of files installed? Why can we not just uninstall files/programs downloaded?
I do appreciate your feedback.
I need to know something as well. Why does my S7 force close after watching YouTube for some time? The i button on the top corner (I think it is the programs running button) keeps on flashing.
This interrupts the watching moment and I have to close out of it and retry and more often than not it will do the same thing.
Also the ATKiller, does it act as a deleter of files installed? Why can we not just uninstall files/programs downloaded?
I do appreciate your feedback.

You can delete apps/files that you download but you can only delete stock apps if you are rooted.

When the info icon blinks after youtube stops, click on it and there should be info in the left pane about what happened.

Sent from my nonsensikal froyo
I have been just X-ing them out but if they don't slow the tablet and use resources that I need for what I choose to do then I can leave them alone, let them run, and I'll just have to learn that Android does things differently. There were 2 schools of thought at slatedroid- the task killers and the let em be faction. Thanks for the info and I'll be sure to read up on how Android works as opposed to windows xp.:)

I went through the same thing, trust me you will get it, just be curious and do your research with keywords on google. My initial problem was patience, tablets are quite intuitive. I love showing off the speed to iphone owners, i just bought a car a showed the dealer the other cars i had in mind and droped the price a couple grand. Be curious and search the web for answers, and remember never buy anything apple makes, lol.

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
Have just upgraded girlfriends iphone and she lost her contacts and photos since last backup. I am blamed for apples bad software.

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet