Team Telechips - Custom firmware development team

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Nothing for the mid7015, though :(
I guess I'll continue my work, even if it is only for my own satisfaction..
I think naobsd's Cyanogenmod 6 ports are still based on the stock shipping 2.6.29 kernels. Not sure.

You should be able to boot using a EM71 variant, with a repacked boot.img.
Go Team Telechips!
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@fun: yeah, I've seen that. What I'm doing is applying a diff between the telechips and stock 2.6.29 source to 2.6.35 by hand. I've gotten to the spi/ directory in the drivers source. It's quite tedious.
@fun: yeah, I've seen that. What I'm doing is applying a diff between the telechips and stock 2.6.29 source to 2.6.35 by hand. I've gotten to the spi/ directory in the drivers source. It's quite tedious.

you already succeeded to make 2.6.29 kernel for COBY 7015?
Nope. People were already working on that for other telechips platforms, so I thought I'd try something a bit different.
I think fun was asking because people were not able to have a working system with a build from the released kernel sources yet.
That's what I thought. I didn't see those discussions until after I started trying to adapt the .35 source. Hopefully one of us will have some luck with this...
Hello, i have found this topic using google. I've a couple of chinese alpha pad tablets (4GB flash, 8 inch capacitive screen 800*600). It is builded on Telechips board - full_m801-eng 2.3.3 GRI40 firmware. Unfortunately one of the tablets has lost it's firmware. So i have came upon a problem with recovering it. All my googling hasn't helped me with finding firmware. I have managed to backup some of the img's using the working tablet. I used naobsd toolkit to unpack/pack telechips firmware. So i could take any other m801 tablet firmware and replace imgs with the ones i have dumped from working tablet. But i don't know what tool to use to flash it. I tried flasher from RoverPad 3WT71 telechips tablet, but it didn't see the alpha pad tablet. So may be someone could help me with the flasher for telechips tablets?