Tegra2 far from being state of the art

It is State of the Art on the Android platform,
Have another glass of Apples kool-ade!

Ps. You forgot to mention no HDMI output on I Poop
No Usb port on I Poop
No Sd card slots on I Poop
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Yeah, I'm purely speaking of the speed of the GPU. Don't get me wrong, I'm not an Apple fanboy (don't even intend to buy an iPad).
I wonder if there are better chipsets for Android 3 tablets?
Yes check this out Coming Very Soon, Look at Speed, Amazing right?
New 12.1 tablet, Intel Atom 1.6 mgz Processor Coming Soon to USA with Android OS

I stumbled upon this a few minutes ago Check out their website, they are taking pre Orders for $499.00 WOW!:cool: Sorry I meant 1.6 Ghz! processor.

Owning a notebook myself I'm not a huge fan of the Atoms. But the ION looks good indeed.
Both devices are powered by the same ARM Cortex A9 architecture, but the iPad 2 is underclocked and locked down. Tegra 2 has been shown to allow clocks as high as 1.5 GHz. Even at stock, it has twice the RAM and 10% higher application processor clock per core. Which one do you think is actually going to be faster for real computing?

Comparing GPU performance is meaningless. Taking parallels with a modern day PC, the only instance where you would need to upgrade your video card is with games or something like 3D CAD. Even more importantly, GPU performance is only required when you have apps that use it. Yes, this will mean Android gaming will be behind the iPad. But if you have been paying attention, most of the games on phone and tablet platforms don't require a lot of graphical . You think you need all those triangles per second to play Angry Birds?

The PowerVR SGX543 is scalable up to 16 cores, and the iPad is only using 2 cores right now, probably to save power and to milk the iPad 2 until the 3.

It is laughable to think that the iPad 2 has state-of-the-art performance of any kind. These are mobile computing devices, and are slowed down by design for power savings. If you want state-of-the-art, the answer is Radeon/Geforce combined with Intel Sandy Bridge. The Intel Atom plus ION solution in the JooJoo is a good few times better than anything any ARM + PowerVR combination can offer right now. Intel just didn't want to invest in Android right now for whatever reason. Nvidia is a leader in GPU technology. PowerVR is not even in the picture. Nvidia can do a lot more than it has done so far. The big players just haven't cared enough because the tablet market isn't even that popular right now.

At the end of the day, this is a marketing ploy. it works because people don't see how this works.
I'm not going to start a flame war - but I disagree with your argument.

Regardless of how the iPad is under clocked and uses only 2 cores of it's GPU - Currently, it eats the Xoom and other Android tablet's lunch, and dinner for that matter...

I had to root the Viewsonic G to make it work - Something 90% of the non techy people (my mom, brothers, most friends) won't wanna do... This needs to be addressed.

I would love to see the Ion tablets battery power and weight - Intel has yet to create mobile chips that are comprable to ARM chips on power use. PS - the JooJoo is a POS - please take a look online at the law suits that have come from the way the parent company has managed it's technology and legal patents...

Comparing GPU performance is totally meaningful because numbers don't lie - if the Android tablet beat the pants off the iPad 2 you would not be saying the same thing (regardless of how the internals are configured).

The points made earlier about the lack of USB, expansion are totally valid.

I think it's important to be unbiased - there need to be better platforms if Android tablets are going to compete NOW with the iPad 2, not in etheral time, which is where we have been for the past year where it's been all promises and almost no delivery...

The Xoom should have been the tablet to beat the iPad 2 - fail - especially for price. The next "I'm going to beat the iPad 2" Tablet will launch just as the iPad 3 launches and will be a FAIL if they don't start shooting ahead of the target... If anyone has shot a gun at a moving target - you don't aim at it :)

I'm all about competition - I don't care about Android or Apple - I care about a good product and keeping these guys (Google, Apple, etc) honest

Both devices are powered by the same ARM Cortex A9 architecture, but the iPad 2 is underclocked and locked down. Tegra 2 has been shown to allow clocks as high as 1.5 GHz. Even at stock, it has twice the RAM and 10% higher application processor clock per core. Which one do you think is actually going to be faster for real computing?

Comparing GPU performance is meaningless. Taking parallels with a modern day PC, the only instance where you would need to upgrade your video card is with games or something like 3D CAD. Even more importantly, GPU performance is only required when you have apps that use it. Yes, this will mean Android gaming will be behind the iPad. But if you have been paying attention, most of the games on phone and tablet platforms don't require a lot of graphical . You think you need all those triangles per second to play Angry Birds?

The PowerVR SGX543 is scalable up to 16 cores, and the iPad is only using 2 cores right now, probably to save power and to milk the iPad 2 until the 3.

It is laughable to think that the iPad 2 has state-of-the-art performance of any kind. These are mobile computing devices, and are slowed down by design for power savings. If you want state-of-the-art, the answer is Radeon/Geforce combined with Intel Sandy Bridge. The Intel Atom plus ION solution in the JooJoo is a good few times better than anything any ARM + PowerVR combination can offer right now. Intel just didn't want to invest in Android right now for whatever reason. Nvidia is a leader in GPU technology. PowerVR is not even in the picture. Nvidia can do a lot more than it has done so far. The big players just haven't cared enough because the tablet market isn't even that popular right now.

At the end of the day, this is a marketing ploy. it works because people don't see how this works.
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Sundragon, I have to agree. If the tests show that the iPad 2 out performs the Xoom so dramatically then this is not just marketing - the iPad 2 is a faster machine. Knowing this, I still bought a Xoom, because I prefer the relative openness of Android to the closed Apple ecosystem. While I want Android to succeed so that we do have non-Apple options and more control over the devices we use, I don't see how it helps to deny the technical facts: as things stand, the iPad 2 is a faster machine than the Android tablets. We should admit this, as I'm sure the manufacturers do, and hope that Android hardware catches up soon.
i disagree with you.the difference is the resolution.run this test again on the xoom at the same resolution as the ipoop.lower the resolution to 1024x768 and the score on the xoom is going to go up.its truly not an apples to apples comparison due to the xoom's higher resolution.so i would disregard there benchmarking of it.