Telefunken TEL7J (Aus K-Mart Cheap unit) Market Fix


Nov 17, 2011
So i got my kids one of these units and was devistated to pick them up last night to find they were pretty crap

No Market only Slideme which was pretty ordinary and most things didnt work.

i stumbled across this thread

And it worked.

Now Angry birds is a bit slow & choppy but playable. iv installed a few more games and am just testing them will along with skype and other things

The other thing is it now has Gmail app and Calendar aswell.

i did install in the order that is further down in the thread

Install the following:

  • GoogleServicesFramework.apk
  • GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk
  • GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk
  • Gmail.apk
  • NetworkLocation.apk
Reboot the tablet and make all connections to Google.
This means you successfully get Google mail and the calendar up and working.

Now install the following:

  • Market.apk (used to be called Vendor.apk)
  • MarketUpdater.apk
Reboot the unit and the Market app should work fine now.

Thanks to all that posted in that thread it worked well and im now a happy father.
Thank you for letting us know everything worked out for you. Hopefully someone else can benefit from your experience now.
Just writing to say thank you. It worked perfectly on both mine and my wife's tablet.

Could this be stickyed to the top of the section? It seems to be the main problem with this device and this solution works. Fewer peope would probably return this if they knew they could fix it in 5-10 minutes.
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