The Official "I've Ordered My Nexus 7" Thread!

If the Nexus 7 is your first tablet, you will never know the slow tablets the rest of us had to put up with. Lol!
Like kids these days don't know what a Black and White TV was like.
Or that we had to actually walk up to our TV and turn a dial to change channels; no remote controls.

lmao,yes its my first,just playing and reading forums.nice.
I just ordered mine today... glad I waited. Got in on the 32 gb model. More than I probably need, but for the price I couldn't resist.

I've been considering a tablet for a long time and got my first iphone when the 4s came out. I wanted a tablet in the 7 in form and had my eyes on the HTC for awhile but couldn't justify the cost. When this came on the market I was ready to jump in until I read about the screen problems so I decided to wait that out. After waiting for them to fix that I heard rumors about the memory changes and thought that I've waited this long, what's a few more weeks? So, here I am, happy to say it's finally on it's way :)
Just ordered the 32 gig model. Can't wait to see if it's as good as the hype.
I've had mine for a few weeks now and it is a really nice tablet. (I'm coming from using an iPad since 2010 and now the new iPad.)

I'm glad I chose this over other 7inch tablets -- including the Apple Mini (for now). It has a very nice screen - better than the Mini but not as nice as iPad's retina models. I like the way home screens can be customized. There are lots of apps and having the Nexus enables me to use both the Google and Amazon stores. I found some very cool apps that have no iOS counterpart. Data entry is not as easy on a small device but I've found software that improves it.

The quality of apps a a little disappointing, however. Many apps that also run on iOS are simply not as good on Jellybean. Some issues are simply because the apps are designed to work on a phone and not a tablet. If that was the only problem, I wouldn't complain as much.
1. MyFitnessPal (ad-laden and syncing problems.)
2. TiVo App - doesn't pick up all of the TiVos on the network.
3. Evernote - doesn't support formatting supported on the desktop and iOS.
4. ForumRunner - doesn't support file types like GIF and some post tags.

This not an exhaustive list and I find myself fetching my iPad or iPhone more often than I like. I fully expect to replace it with a Mini in 2013 but I hope I won't have to do that. I do enjoy learning the Android platform.