Why No Xoom Pre-Order Anecdotes


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2010
Scanning around some of the Android forums, seeing a lot of posts of drooling Xoom "pre-" owners regaling us with their breathless stories of plunking down $50 to be the first or second to pre-order their Xooms at their respective local Best Buy and how this is just the greatest thing to happen since Rubik's Cube launched. How come no one's so excited around here?
because we're not delusional?

seriously, though. it seems the general consensus here is that the xoom is over-priced.

another reason could be the number of people here that own the lower-end devices. we realize that even the low-end of android devices are decent machines (with a little tweaking), and there is not much demand here for ultra high-end devices.
I'm excited about purchasing one... once it's in the $400 range. What it's priced at now.. is absurd.
I was wondering the same thing........... and I even spend money like a madman sometimes but I can't bring myself to buy one at its current price. Maybe I will change my mind. But I doubt it..............
I'm with you, the other Xoom boards seem to be going nuts, though. I just don't get it. This price point and the terms (mandatory one-month activation for wifi) just don't make sense. Its as if Moto and Verizon got together to see just how much they could get away with insulting their potential customer base and still have a successful launch...and if you judged success just by the [unhinged] pre-sale posts, it seems they've succeeded.
I just can't get excited about since I have my Zpad. The Xoom looks nice, but not that much better than this.

Sent from the awesome ZTab :D
"Drooling" over the Xoom and actually laying down the money to actually purchase one are two different things. I absolutely love the Xoom specs and have probably watched every single video that has been released about it. It's an amazing tablet... but I will no way spend that much money. I was prepared to spend up to $600, but I've backed down from that and won't spend over $400... so I will wait until it is in that price range.

I think people on here think the tablet is awesome, amazing, but way over priced.... just like quite a lot of people think. A part of me actually wants this tablet to fail... to prove a point to Motorola (and others) that you cannot release a tablet that is this expensive and expect it to fly off the shelves.
"Drooling" over the Xoom and actually laying down the money to actually purchase one are two different things. I absolutely love the Xoom specs and have probably watched every single video that has been released about it. It's an amazing tablet... but I will no way spend that much money. I was prepared to spend up to $600, but I've backed down from that and won't spend over $400... so I will wait until it is in that price range.

I think people on here think the tablet is awesome, amazing, but way over priced.... just like quite a lot of people think. A part of me actually wants this tablet to fail... to prove a point to Motorola (and others) that you cannot release a tablet that is this expensive and expect it to fly off the shelves.

Thing is, will we be shocked if it does fly off the shelves at that price. People like us won't buy it at that price because we know what else is available. However, is it really any better than the Ztab, or Toshiba Folio? Certainly not double the price better. However, for most people it seems that "10 inch tegra 2 tablet" == Xoom.
I couldn't imagine spending that kind of money on a tablet. Most people (those with more brain cells than dollar bills) will really like this tablet but won't "bite" at that price tag.
Like most I have been patiently waiting for some decent android alternative.

Thought this may be the one but at $600 for wifi I will be taking a pass just
on principle.

I had a ipad that I test drove for 2 weeks and returned. Minus flash it was
really fine. I will get the ipad2 wifi when it comes out.
Not only is the price outrageous, but it doesn't even come with flash and its not expected til spring. Is moto nuts?

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab using Tapatalk
Do you realize that a 32GB wi-fi iPad costs $600 too?

Yes, I do. Of course if you can live with 16GB your at $500.

My "on principle" comment is everyone knows Apples pricing gouges the consumer. They dont try to hide it.

I also understand this is better hardware than the ipad1. However, ipad2 will be pretty
competitive hardware at the same price gouging point. Rumors are the UK and Europe are out of stock right now on may ipad1 configurations. So I expect very shortly ipad2 will be available.

I love moto products, have a droidx, just not at apple price points. If I am going pay ipad prices I am just going to get a ipad.

If they wanted to take apple market share they will have to work harder than that.

Of course just my opinion.
The fruitpad company has never been shy about charging lots of money for a product. That is the apple way and is accepted. They do generally make a quality product, even if about half the time it is lacking in niceties that people like to see. But moto has never had the kind of dedicated consumer base that apple has built over the years. For them to charge exuberant prices for a product is a weak attempt to grab a part of that consumer base. They should have really thought this through a little better.