the Power/Battery/Charger thread


Nov 15, 2010
Haven't picked up my S7 yet, but from the few reviews I've read, battery life seems to be atrocious at only 2-3 hours of use per charge. What's everyone seeing with theirs?
^havent got mine as yet but one of the reviews i read quoted upto 4-5 hours on WIFI...;
With WiFi I have been getting about 4 hours actual use on a charge running down to the 15-20% remaining mark. Of course battery usage is also going to be pretty heavily influenced by what you are doing. I did spend 3.5 hours yesterday between Pulse Newsreader and Angry Birds (yeah, i know, but it was Sunday so i wasn't working...), and still had about 25% left.
First post here. I just got one today, so I'm pretty new to the tablet and to android.
I took it out of the box right after I got home and powered it up. The battery had 25% battery left out of the box. Without charging it I used the tablet until it shut down, downloaded some apps on the market, did some web browsing, watched a few youtube videos, all over wifi. It was pretty light use, but I got maybe a little over an hour and a half out of it. Seems like a good sign to me.
4 hours of wifi use is pretty standard for this platform. Anyone who has owned a Snapdragon based device can tell you the same.
Thanks for the info everyone.

Yeah, I know battery life isn't the greatest with the 65nm Snapdragons. :) Still, the reports of 2-3 hours had me worried... 4-5 hours is a lot better though.

Another question: how's the battery life on standby/sleep? Will this make it through an entire day of light, intermittent use before needing a charge? Say maybe a couple hours of actual use coupled with 10-12 hours in standby?
Have had mine for 5 days now, 4 to 4.5 hours seems to be the 'norm'. Haven't ran it with WiFi off yet. Charge time is about 3 hours.
I've had mine for about a week - in sleep with light use (no video, no phone - but wifi on and checking calendar about 10 times throughout the day and checking, searching, finding looking at, downloading and installing from android store... new toy - what can I say) the battery did last me all day (8+ hours)... I recharged it at about 25% in the late afternoon. With more use I went through the battery in about 5 hours... its not deplorable - but if you're using it as your primary phone (which I will be) - you're going to need back up of some sort... It took about an hour for it to charge to full... pretty speedy - but I would still like either an extra battery or (and) a car charger.
I picked up a power inverter for my car cigarette lighter at Home Depot last night for 15 bucks. Tried it out today on my way to work, it works just fine. You wouldn't find a car charger for the Huawei any cheaper then this even if already available, so my advice is grab a power inverter that will plug into your car lighter and just use the wall charger that comes with the s7 with it.
So last night I found two different vendors that had SKU listings for replacement batteries for the S7, but no price or availability yet. I am taking this as a positive sign however that these are coming.
This is good news. Definitely better than I expected.

I don't think I'll be using the S7 as a phone though, but we'll see. lol.
even though the battery life may not be great, bottom line is it has a REPLACEABLE battery which to me is a great thing. Galaxy Tab....nope.....Ipad.....nope.........two years from now when those internal batteries crap out, good luck with that.