The water is getting deeper for this Rookie...I think I need help!


May 19, 2011
Hello All,

I posted yesterday that I was trying to load Gingerbread onto my Nook, but wasn't having success.

I was advised to move to CM7, which is tried and true, and I gladly took that advice.

*Note...I'm totally green at this, but courageous and interested as all get out!

Since then, I figured out how to create a ClockworkMod Recovery on my micro SD.

I downloaded the following and copied them to the very same micro SD card:

I followed the directions on this website:
How To: CyanogenMod 7 Goodness for the Nook Color - BriefMobile

I get Read Forever, then a screen that says Install Failed.

I'm at a loss.

Where to from here? I know I'm not bricked, but the net effect is the same. Getting pretty deep out here.

Thank you for you help and guidance.

What version of CWR do you have on your SD card? It needs to be or higher. Those instructions you posted are fine but simple. Here is a full break down of how CWR works The instructions are specifically for installing CWR internally but the same premis applies.

Also, the instructions you linked to don't say to make a backup first but you should make a backup before you do any kind of change like this.

Since you are new to this why not just try the stable CM7 Release with Gapps both of which can be found here Latest Version - CyanogenMod Wiki. You want the first CM7 file and the first Gapps file (scroll down to the bottom to find Gapps) and save them on your CWR SD card.

At this point making a backup does you no good since nothing is working but normally you should make a backup now.
1. Clear your caches according to the CWR link above including system and data.
2. Flash the CM7 zip file.
3. Flash the Gapps zip file.
4. Unmount and remove the SD card.
5. Reboot.
6. Make sure everything is working, setup wifi, etc.
7. Power down.
8. Insert the Bootable CWR card.
9. Make a backup.
10. Unmount and remove the SD card.
11. Reboot and enjoy.


I am forever indebted to you! It's working!!!!!!!!! If you're ever in Northern California, the beer is on me.

Two final questions. I guess I inadvertently rooted (albeit poorly) my Nook.

Question 1 - There's no retrieving the original now - True/False?
Question 2 - Can I use the same SD card for the backup that I used for the install?

Once again, Thank you so, so much!

1. If you didn't make a backup to start there is no way to do it now. YOu can however restore your Nook to stock if you ever need to by following this If you ever do restore back to stock it would be a good idea to make your own backup image before you do anything else just in case.

2. You can and actaully have to use the same card for backups since you are using a bootable CWR SD. While it is nice to have CWR on a bootable card I suggest installing it internally. Then you can backup to whatever SD card you want. To install CWR internally follow the How To thread I posted above (Install Rom Manager and flash CWR) or you can find a CWR zip file place it on your bottable CWR card and flash it to internal just like you did for flashing the ROM (don't need to clear data and system though).
