Thinking of buying a TF101


Nov 24, 2011
I bought an ACER 7" tablet and had trouble reading the home screen icons, as they were so small. I returned the tablet. Now I'm looking at a TF101. Does anyone know if you can increase the size of the icons on the homescreen???

BTW, will the icons be bigger on a 10" screen than on a 7" screen or can you just fit more icons on the larger screen?
The icons will be larger on that screen, not a lot but larger. There is also a setting for extra large text that may help. I'm in the same boat. A 7" tablet is useless for me, I've tried.
I find myself longing for a 10" screen as of late myself. I really love the ultra-portability of my 7" Acer, but I miss the TF101 I got rid of to get it.