This app will not run without google play services


Apr 12, 2013
Well yeah, i download youtube app for my coby kyros 8048 and it runs awesome 'but' when i try to login i get this message "this app will not run without google play services which are missing from your tablet".. i try to find something but no answers so far...
i also look for the app in google play store but it says that is not compatible with my tablet.. any idea?

thanks in advance.
The tablet does not come with Google Play preinstalled. Part of Google Play is the Google Services Framework, which basically handles account management. Therefore you need to install Google Play on the tablet. Take a look in the sticky posts located in the Coby Generation 3 subforum for a solution. Note that you must be rooted to install Google Play. If you do not wish to root, then forget running YouTube or any Google app.
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mm i have google play store, i have facebook, youtube, netflix, games, deviant a tons of app all donwloaded from google play store and yes the tablet is rooted..
You might want to look in the Coby Generation 3 forums as our developer there has done some work in this regard on your device.