Thrift Store Wants To Buy 10-12 Tablets For Customers


Jan 27, 2011
We own a small thrift store outside of Charleston, SC, and we have many, many customers (lower to lower middle income) people looking for tablets and laptops. We've decided to buy both directly from China. I personally bought a MID for my wife two years ago, and it is still going strong with zero problems.

Can anyone recommend a company or two that can provide these items at the best price and medium quality?

Port City Thrift
There are dozens if not more of them. For each, you will find folks who swear by them, and just as many folks who swear at them. From my (limited) experience, the main negative is that if you have a problem with something you ordered (such as a bad battery) then you may (or perhaps are likely to) have difficulties getting it resolved. Returning something to China just doesn't seem to be an option, since the shipping costs are high, and there may be issues with Chinese customs being charged. However, if you are essentially acting as the importer, you can test each unit before selling it, and can include some potential "spoilage" in your price calculations. If you Google for things like "cheap chinese tab lets" you should find lots of sites to choose from. I have not noticed any one consistently cheaper than any other, especially once you add the shipping charges.

By the way - I do like your idea of providing a lower cost tablet to your customers. You may also be able to organize a local "users club" since they will all have the same model, and could help each other with issues of use, installing apps, upgrades, and such.