To Root or Not to Root?


Dec 24, 2010
Can someone tell me what the advantages, disadvantages, problems etc with rooting a Color Nook. I got my wife one for Christmas, and I really don't want to screw anything up. I have read there is a manual and automatic rooting process. Where would I find the best instructions for this.
Welcome Curt! Have you guys opened it up yet, or waiting until tomorrow? ;)

I'd recommend rooting. It's getting easier to do, and it's not difficult at all to return your NC to stock condition if you feel like it. There are several websites with instructions. I've found nookDevs to be a good place to start:

Portal:NookColor - nookDevs

Now, sometimes I notice the instructions on nookDevs is just slightly beyond the novice level. For example, it may say "start a command shell" which for some Windows users is not an obvious step. If you're familiar with Dos or Linux though (command line control) then I think you'll be pretty comfortable with it.

Advantages? Here are my favorites:

(1) Rooting allows you access to the Android OS. There are several nice things that Android can do, that Barnes&Noble hid with their user interface. For example, after rooting you can install a different homescreen "launcher" and organize it with shortcuts and informative widgets (e.g., weather).

(2) Rooting allows you to load Android apps. Barnes&Noble would like to strictly control the applications you run. With the Android 2.1 OS under the hood, though, you can install and run quite a few more. Rooting allows you to do this.

(3) Rooting gives you access to Google's apps. There are number of nice Google apps--Gmail, Calendar, Maps, Gallery, and the Google App Market--that you can't run on the stock NC. Rooting and then installing these creates a user experience much like Google intended it.

Note that these are the early days, so various steps for modifying the NC are evolving. Here is a more detailed list of what is included in the latest rooting process:

NookColor Rooting - nookDevs

Install su and Superuser.apk
Install Busybox
Install sqlite3 (not yet)
Enable Non-Market Installs (not yet but manual instructions are linked below)
Install Calendar and Calculator.
Install and enable Android Market, Gmail, Youtube
Enable Multi-touch for Android Apps
Enable Live Wallpapers
Enable Android Market and Gmail.
App Auto Install (automatically install apps that you drop into the sdcards /data/app folder via USB)
Installs Soft Keys 2.0.
Installs Genie Widgets.
Installs Droid X Multi-touch Keyboard as an option.
Adds a removable Custom Boot Animation.

Let us know if you have any questions, and please keep us updated on your experience!

Root root!! Seriously, there are advantages, but it is not required. Read Xaeious' excellent write up on rooting and then decide if you want to g down that road. Keep in mind with the Nook you have a mainstream device with full vendor support as compared to many others.

Good luck!
I recommend rooting as well. The autorooting is dead easy. And you don't lose any of the basic Nook stuff. Plus, if you hate it, it's apparently quite easy to go back to stock.
Is it true that I will no longer be able to download books from B&N. My wife has a $50 gift card to B&N and I don't want to waste it.
I'm glad I found this forum, I got my wife one of these also and from everything I have seen here it will be rooted by tomorrow afternoon. thanks everyone.
Is it true that I will no longer be able to download books from B&N. My wife has a $50 gift card to B&N and I don't want to waste it.
Sorry I don't have a definitive answer to that question. Here is what I can tell you for sure: after rooting (as markiej noted) the NC still retains all of the same buttons and functions it did out of the box. So I can easily browse the B&N bookstore, although I haven't bought any books on my rooted NC because we haven't entered CC info yet.

All that rooting itself does (in formal terms) is allow you to navigate the file system inside the NC...if you have a Windows PC, it's equivalent to being able to go all the way "up" to the highest point in your C drive, that is, C:\ (easy to view in a file manager). That's what "rooting" means...access to the root of the file system. So there's no logical reason you'd lose access to B&N after rooting.

I also haven't seen any reports that modifying the NC breaks access to the B&N store. I'd be pretty skeptical if I did.

If you have the ability, you should root. The advantages are endless. It is well worth it and your NC can be unrooted easily.

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I'm glad I found this forum, I got my wife one of these also and from everything I have seen here it will be rooted by tomorrow afternoon. thanks everyone.
Howdy! Have you learned the quick screenshot trick yet (works without rooting, btw)? Once you've got it set up, if you (a) hold down the "n" button and (b) quickly press/release Volume-down, the NC takes a picture of the screen. Think about posting a screenshot after you've set it up to you're liking!

You will still be able to download from BN. I have downloaded several books already. Rooting is not difficult, just follow the instructions carefully.
Root. Why not? it was so easy to root using auto rooted available now. You should do it.

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Gonna take the plunge this weekend. Hopefully it wont take as a long as it looks.

I said optimist, not Optimus.
After rooting, is there a way to make sure/turn off any automated updates from B&N? I don't care for / use their book app, I'm fine with Kindle.