Touch Screen mainly unresponsive


May 4, 2011
I have been having difficulties with the touch screen input on my ZT 180 V1. I have a feeling it is a hardware problem as the unresponsiveness has been getting progressively worse. I have re-flashed my tablet several times using the TF card method with little difference. The best results I have had were using a a 0118 dual-boot firmware on the ZT 180 wiki page. The pointer location app in the dev tools of this firmware registers when I push the screen.
I am currently on the KMOD V2 and the touchscreen input is only registered when i place 3-5 fingers on the screen. I have replaced my original touchscreen as that one cracked. Today, if I hold my tablet in one orientation the touch input works just fine. But if I rotate the table to the other 3 orientations and the touch input is registered at side nearest the side next to the button on the front. When the screen is malfunctioning, the PRS value given by the pointer location app is at maximum (.99-1). Most days I am unable to get even this minimal amount of functionality. Can anyone speculate about this being either a hardware or software issue for me. The problem persists when I boot to WIN CE so my guess is that is hardware.

It does sound like a hardware problem to me - perhaps a loose connector. It may be worth opening it up again and checking the connector from the touch-screen is properly inserted and locked/taped in place.