Transfer Music from Tablet to iPod

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Jun 14, 2012
can someone please tell me if there is some way to transfer music from my vizio tablet to my ipod? any help is greatly appreciated
please check this thread:

j515op mentioned:

Yes, you can import from iTunes. There are couple of ways to do this. 1) You can simply go into the file folder where the music is stored and copy those files over to the tablet via usb or SD card. 2) You can go to the Google Play store and download an app like DoubleTwist which will sync your iTunes library with your tablet. There are other apps that will do this too just search iTunes in the Play store.
Welcome Wmosher3. As Starblock pointed out there are a couple of methods.

Just out of curiosity how did you get the music on your VTab? The reason I ask is because if you already have the music on your PC and then copied it to your VTab and now want to get the same music on your iPod, all you need to do is tell iTunes where to look for the music on your PC and it will add it to the iTunes library. Then sync your iPod through iTunes to get the new music. This is something a little different from above if you just need to tell iTunes which folders also contain music.

Welcome Wmosher3. As Starblock pointed out there are a couple of methods.

Just out of curiosity how did you get the music on your VTab? The reason I ask is because if you already have the music on your PC and then copied it to your VTab and now want to get the same music on your iPod, all you need to do is tell iTunes where to look for the music on your PC and it will add it to the iTunes library. Then sync your iPod through iTunes to get the new music. This is something a little different from above if you just need to tell iTunes which folders also contain music.


i should have mentioned, i have no access to pc or itunes. ive downloaded the music via bittorrent. please help
i should have mentioned, i have no access to pc or itunes. ive downloaded the music via bittorrent. please help

No unfortunately you can't transfer to an iPod if you only have the music on your Vtab.
is there no wire that can go from ipod to mini usb?

I am sure there is a wire that will work. My tablet has a USB port. I can plug in an iPod and see the music on the iPod. I can copy it, play it, etc.

However, it is shortened filenames like X3TQ.mp3, so I have no clue what song is what. Also, if I copy a new song into one of the directories, it does not show up in the iPod library.

So, you CAN transfer music back and fourth, but it is not playable on the iPod after you transfer it.
I think that is exactly the question, how to transfer songs from the tablet to the iPod so they can be played on the iPod. This will not work because iPods are locked down to only sync to iTunes. My suggestion if you want to do this is to get a non-iPod mp3 player that can be used as a mass storage device. Then you should be able to use a usb cable and drag and drop the music files between the devices and play the songs on either.
I think that is exactly the question, how to transfer songs from the tablet to the iPod so they can be played on the iPod. This will not work because iPods are locked down to only sync to iTunes. My suggestion if you want to do this is to get a non-iPod mp3 player that can be used as a mass storage device. Then you should be able to use a usb cable and drag and drop the music files between the devices and play the songs on either.

Do you know if there are certain mp3 players that will definitely work with a nexus tablet? By "work" I mean can have music added to them directly from the tablet?
Is this Android tablet?
If it is, take the steps below:
How to Transfer Music from Android to iPod
Yes it is possible, but you need an i tunes library in between. Fire up iTunes, import the songs from your droid into your itunes library, then sync. If you can find the media on your phone, you can probably move the whole folder over in one fell swoop.

I am not sure how drm is handled on your music. At worst, you would need to burn the songs, then re-import into iTunes.

The key is an itunes library in between- that is how music gets on the ipod. does not need to be apple purchased, just passed through their library system.

If you want an alternate method, and you have the files available, you can transfer them to the ipod using other methods, such as file browser or drop box. I believe both of them come with a player. The downside would be that the music would be outside of your regular music library, and searchable etc.
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