transferring pics and music


Aug 3, 2011
I am new to the Gtablet but have had my droid phone for a few years now. I am trying to transfer my pictures and music from my laptop to my tablet. I tried to use a USB Flash drive. The pictures didnt even come up and the music only went on when the flash drive was inserted but I couldnt seem to transfer it. Please help.
I am new to the Gtablet but have had my droid phone for a few years now. I am trying to transfer my pictures and music from my laptop to my tablet. I tried to use a USB Flash drive. The pictures didnt even come up and the music only went on when the flash drive was inserted but I couldnt seem to transfer it. Please help.
Couple of questions:

- Which ROM are you using?
- Which file manager app are you using?
- Describe how you navigate to your files (oops, not a question!)

Depending on which ROM you're using, the easy solution is to connect by USB, create MUSIC and VIDEO folders on the gTab and just drag and drop!

Oh, by the way: I LOVE ES File manager. When you browse the flash drive from the gTab, you should be able to long-press on the folder that has your media, select COPY, navigate to where you want to copy it, and select PASTE. It's foolproof. :)

I have a Sylvania 7" tab with Android 2.2. added 16 mini card. I can view the pictures on my USB Flash but can't fine a way to transfer them. What is the gTab?
I have the same problem as milesm I see the photos on the usb and can even copy from the file manager but when i go to the photo folder I cant paste & I also dont know what a gTab is either thanx